- urosario
- Decanatura del Medio Universitario
- Faculty of Creative Studies
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of International, Political and Urban Studies
- Political and International Studies Research Group
- Research Incubator: Collective action, participatory democracy and public problems
- Research Incubator: Colombian Foreign Policy Analysis - APECO
- Research Incubator: Colombian migrations abroad
- Research Incubator: Defense, Security, Conflict and Peace
- Research Incubator: Democracy Studies Group of the Universidad del Rosario - Demos UR
- Research Incubator: Guardians of the Atrato River
- Research Incubator: Imaginaries for Peace Collective
- Research Incubator: Intercultural School of Indigenous Diplomacy - EIDI
- Research Incubator: International Political Economy in Colombia - EPIC
- Research Incubator: Policy and right(s)
- Research Incubator: Political and Leadership School “Empower yourself”
- Research Incubator: Public Management
- Research Incubator: Strategic litigation for the Fight against Sexual Violence and Gender-Based Violence against indigenous women
- Research Incubator: Theory of the State: Contemporary Problems
- Welfare policy action Research incubator
- Political and International Studies Research Group
- Faculty of Law
- Criminal Law Research Group
- Human Rights Research Group
- International Law Research Group
- Private Law of the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Universidad del Rosario Research Group
- Research Incubator: Civil law goods - state property
- Research Incubator: Commercial Law, Technologies and Intellectual Property
- Research Incubator: Differential approach to rights - social security and labor law
- Research Incubator: Evolution of the Colombian inheritance law
- Research Incubator: Labor Rights and Social Security
- Research Incubator: Law, Economy and Society
- Research Incubator: Law, State and Gender
- Research Incubator: Procedural Law from Universidad del Rosario
- Research Incubator: Social Movements, History of Law and Gender
- Public Law Research Group
- Research Incubator: Art and Law Laboratory (LAD)
- Research Incubator: Constitutional Law (AGERE)
- Research Incubator: Democratic inclusion and judicial process
- Research Incubator: Federalisms, regionalisms, autonomies and transitional land regulations
- Research Incubator: Human Rights in Digital Environments
- Research Incubator: Impact Development Projects
- Research Incubator: Interuniversity for political and digital training
- Research Incubator: Legal Theory
- Research Incubator: Observatory of Public Finance and Tax Law
- Research Incubator: Observatory of Tax Jurisprudence for the Colombian Institute of Tax Law
- Research Incubator: Open and participatory science
- Research Incubator: Public contract
- Research Incubator: State tort liability
- Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Basic Medical Sciences (CBM)
- Biological Molecules and Cellular Activity Research Group
- Climate - Ecosystems Interactions (ICE)
- Functional and Ecosystem Ecology Group
- Group of studies in Orogenic Systems-GROSSE
- Microbiological Research Group (GIMUR)
- Microbiology and Biotechnology Research Center at the University of Rosario (CIMBIUR)
- Natural History of Tropical Plants
- Natural Sciences and Mathematics Education
- Phylloevomycs
- Studies in Geology and Geophysics – EGEO
- Traditional and Molecular Neotropical Paleontology
- Rectoría
- School of Business Administration
- Business and Management Research Group
- Research Incubator: Bit Coin
- Research Incubator: Corporate finance and financial markets
- Research Incubator: Leadership and organizational behavior
- Research Incubator: Marketing - SIM
- Research Incubator: Organizational complexity
- Research Incubator: Scin Data
- Research Incubator: Supply Chain Management
- Research Incubator: UR International Business
- Business and Management Research Group
- School of Engineering, Science and Technology
- Technology, Engineering, Science and Mathematics - TICMA
- Research Incubator: Additive Manufacturing
- Research Incubator: Applications of Category Theory
- Research Incubator: Applied engineering and space sciences
- Research Incubator: Cybersecurity
- Research Incubator: Data Protection
- Research Incubator: Development
- Research Incubator: Energies
- Research Incubator: knowledge representation
- Research Incubator: Machine Learning
- Research Incubator: Machine Learning and Big Data
- Research Incubator: Modeling and simulation of social phenomena
- Research Incubator: Nanotechnology
- Research Incubator: Probability for Actuary
- Research Incubator: Quantum computation
- Research Incubator: Robotics and Cyber-Physical Systems
- Research Incubator: Signal Processing
- Research Incubator: Sustainable Supply Chain Modeling (SSCM)
- Research Incubator: UR Integrals
- Research Incubator: Video games
- Research Incubator: Web development
- Technology, Engineering, Science and Mathematics - TICMA
- School of Human Sciences
- Aesthetics and Politics
- Applied Ethics, Labor and Social Change
- Research Incubator: Studies of economy and society in Boyacá
- Research Incubator: Applied ethics
- Research Incubator: Cartoons, comic strips and popular culture
- Research Incubator: Citizenship, democracy and social conflict
- Research Incubator: Media and Public Opinion Observatory
- Research Incubator: Media monitoring
- Research Incubator: Observatory of Gender and Diversity Affairs
- Research Incubator: Production and Audiovisual Creation
- Research Incubator: Rural Community Journalism
- Research Incubator: Rurality, territory and conflict
- Research Incubator: Sociologies of the individual
- Research Incubator: The Colombian business leadership and the development project 2002-2018
- Research Incubator: Youth social studies
- Research Incubator: Training in ethics and citizenship
- Center for Theology and Religious Studies
- Education and Development Research Group
- Identity Studies
- Research Incubator: Afro-descendant studies
- Research Incubator: Anthropology, gender and law
- Research Incubator: Conflict routes and new narratives
- Research Incubator: Connected stories
- Research Incubator: Historical anthropology of violence and power in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
- Research Incubator: Memory and Heritage Social Studies & Public History
- Research Incubator: Migrations and Borders
- Research Incubator: Political Militancy and Peace Building
- Research Incubator: Studies on mobile journalism in Colombia
- Research Incubator: Visible Anthropology
- Logic, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science
- Social Studies in Sciences, Technologies and Professions Group
- Research Incubator: Art and psychoanalysis
- Research Incubator: Gender, body and health
- Research Incubator: Historical-comparative and transnational studies of Medicine and Public Health
- Research Incubator: Studies on the engineering of the social - SESIS: hotbed for social and critical studies on nutrition/food
- School of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Anesthesiology Research Group
- Behavioral Sciences
- Cardiology Research Group
- Center for Autoimmune Diseases Research (CREA)
- Center for Research in Genetics and Genomics (CIGGUR)
- Center for the Study of Autoimmune Diseases (CREA)
- Clinical Practice of Nursing Care and Rehabilitation Research Group
- Clinical Research Research Group
- General Surgery Research Group
- GiBiome
- Hemodynamics and Vascular Function Research Group
- Initiative for the Characterization of Hemato-Oncological Diseases in Colombia ICAROS
- Life and Artificial Intelligence Research Group - GIVIA
- Mederi
- Medical and Health Sciences Education
- Neuroscience Research Group (NEUROS)
- Neurovitae-UR Neuroscience Center
- People, Family and Society
- Research Incubator: Art and psychoanalysis
- Research Incubator: Early childhood
- Research Incubator: Memory and cognition
- Research Incubator: Moral psychology and decision sciences
- Research Incubator: Psychology, work and health
- Research Incubator: Psycho-oncology and palliative care
- Research Incubator: Social dynamics: conflict and peace
- Public Health Research Group
- Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Research Group
- Rehabilitation Science
- Social Studies in Sciences, Technologies and Professions Group
- Research Incubator: Art and psychoanalysis
- Research Incubator: Gender, body and health
- Research Incubator: Historical-comparative and transnational studies of Medicine and Public Health
- Research Incubator: Studies on the engineering of the social - SESIS: hotbed for social and critical studies on nutrition/food
- Traditional Health Systems
- Translational Medicine
- Translational Medicine Institute
- Center for Autoimmune Diseases Research (CREA)
- Clinical Research Research Group
- https://www.urosario.edu.co/Crea/Inicio/
- Neuroscience Research Group (NEUROS)
- Research Incubator: Biochemistry, Cancer and Radiobiology (SiBio)
- Research Incubator: Clinical research
- Research Incubator: Geniuses
- Research Incubator: Neuroscience research
- Translational Microbiology and Emerging Diseases Study Group - MICROS
- UR-BIOMED Applied Biomedical Sciences Research Group
- UR Center for Mental Health - CeRSaMe
- Vicerrectoría
- Group of interdisciplinary studies on socio-environmental dynamics (MUTIS)
- Interdisciplinary Study Group on Conflict and Peace (JANUS)
- Research Institute of Applied ethics, professions, citizenship and bioethics
- Business and Management Research Group
- Research Incubator: Bit Coin
- Research Incubator: Corporate finance and financial markets
- Research Incubator: Leadership and organizational behavior
- Research Incubator: Marketing - SIM
- Research Incubator: Organizational complexity
- Research Incubator: Scin Data
- Research Incubator: Supply Chain Management
- Research Incubator: UR International Business
- Medical and Health Sciences Education
- Business and Management Research Group