Organization profile

Organization profile


The seedbed thinking with the body is a space for experience and reflection about somatic education, its methodologies, approaches and relationships with other knowledge and languages. In this way, different areas of knowledge come together in the seedbed with the purpose of deepening and researching somatic education, as well as building habits of care for well-being, the formation of values and ethical competencies, emotional training and development. of life skills. In addition, achieve the incorporation of this knowledge in professional practices.

The “thinking with the body” seedbed invites students to take a journey of internal transformation through the experience of the body that allows them to inhabit the world with greater awareness and transform interactions with society, the environment and surroundings. professional, towards emotionally safe and ethical spaces.

General objective:

Understand and study somatic education as a transversal component of the training of professionals from an ethical, emotional and corporal perspective.

Specific objectives:

  1. Understand the theoretical or conceptual foundations of somatic education in various areas of knowledge.
  1. Know and delve into the different methods used for somatic education.
  1. Reflect on the role of somatic education in the care process in daily life.
  1. Experience somatic practices through first-person body exploration, in order to generate care practices on a physical and emotional level, formation of values and ethical competencies, and the development of life skills.< /li>
  1. Contribute to the research culture in the area of somatic education.

Line of Research:

  1. Body line and movement.
  1. Line of ethics of care and emotions.