Organization profile

Organization profile

The activity of the nursery for early childhood research is divided into two parts, a theoretical one, in which different aspects of the national public policy for this population are studied and its articulation with international law, the characteristics of early childhood development, and the implications of interdisciplinary, timely, quality and context care to protect and enhance integral development in the first years of life. The second part of the activities of the nursery are practical and are carried out in hospitals, communities or initial education centers where students can establish direct contact with children of early childhood age, their initial educators and their families, to learn and perfect skills for evaluation and intervention aimed at this population.

Research Lines:

  • Early childhood development.
  • Early childhood education.
  • Early childhood play.
  • Early social and emotional development.
  • Attachment relationships.
  • Early care quality.
  • Neurological basis of development.
  • Early childhood developmental disorders.
  • Social and political implications of early childhood development.


The nursery on Early Childhood delves into the study and understanding of child development in the early years of life with emphasis on the study of social and emotional development, the neurological foundations underlying these processes and the social and political implications associated with this period of early life.

Organization profile

The activity of the nursery for early childhood research is divided into two parts, a theoretical one, in which different aspects of the national public policy for this population are studied and its articulation with international law, the characteristics of early childhood development, and the implications of interdisciplinary, timely, quality and context care to protect and enhance integral development in the first years of life. The second part of the activities of the nursery are practical and are carried out in hospitals, communities or initial education centers where students can establish direct contact with children of early childhood age, their initial educators and their families, to learn and perfect skills for evaluation and intervention aimed at this population.

Research Lines:

  • Early childhood development.
  • Early childhood education.
  • Early childhood play.
  • Early social and emotional development.
  • Attachment relationships.
  • Early care quality.
  • Neurological basis of development.
  • Early childhood developmental disorders.
  • Social and political implications of early childhood development.


The nursery on Early Childhood delves into the study and understanding of child development in the early years of life with emphasis on the study of social and emotional development, the neurological foundations underlying these processes and the social and political implications associated with this period of early life.