Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 247 results
Search results
Coco an interactive tool to support decision making on contraception among adolescents and young women in Colombia
Castillo Martinez, J. A. & Rivera Largacha, S. M. A.
11/1/23 → 6/30/24
Project: Consultancy project
A cultural approach to child development in Latin American Indigenous Communities
Talero Gutierrez, C., Diaz Quiroz, M. A., Ramirez-Guerrero, S., Velez van Meerbeke, A. & Cortes Garcia, C. M.
10/1/23 → 10/1/24
Project: Research Project
Enslavement (and other forms of racial oppression) in the history of the Universidad del Rosario: archival and memorial processes.
Bosa, B. A. & Angulo Ramírez, D. C.
1/17/23 → 1/17/25
Project: Research Project
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Forging vital and health statistics in Bogotá, 1878-1938.
Garcia Lopez, C. M. & Carriazo Osorio, F.
11/1/22 → 6/4/24
Project: Research Project
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Bodies, territories of peace: interactive-pedagogical primer from a somatic perspective for ethical-emotional training.
1/19/22 → 9/19/22
Project: Research Project
History of General Surgery at the Universidad del Rosario
Riveros Duenas, R. E., Isaza-Restrepo, A., Quevedo Velez, E. & Ortega Ortega, J. H.
11/26/21 → 11/26/22
Project: Research Project
School and migration: responses to the educational needs of Venezuelan migrants in three subnational governments of Colombia.
Urbano Canal, N. & Díaz Ríos, C. M.
10/5/21 → 6/20/23
Project: Research Project
The Universidad del Rosario and its links with the institution of slavery: archival research and memorial processes.
Bosa, B. A., Angulo Ramírez, D. C. & Moreno Reza, G. E.
9/1/21 → 7/31/22
Project: Research Project
Community property: the paradox of owning everything and owning nothing
Baquero-Melo, J. & Peña Huertas, R. D. P.
6/10/21 → 3/11/22
Project: Research Project
GUMELAB: Transmission of history through entertainment media in Latin America. Memory Research Laboratory and Digital Methods.
Galindo Hernandez, C. & Contreras-Saiz, M.
5/6/21 → 5/6/24
Project: Research Project
In Search of El Dorado: Liborio Zerda and Colombia's Pre-Hispanic Past
Schuster, S. B. & Gómez, L. A. B.
2/1/21 → 7/15/21
Project: Research Project
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Restorative justice in transitional contexts: an ethnographic look at the special jurisdiction for peace (Jep) in Colombia.
10/1/20 → 11/7/21
Project: Research Project
Porous borders between victims/victimizers: Corporal and sensory memories of FARC women ex-combatants from Tierra Grata, Cesar and Pondores, Guajira.
9/15/20 → 1/14/22
Project: Research Project
Novela gráfica, cultura popular y conflicto en Colombia
Soto Flechas, J. L. & Zuniga Reyes, D. G.
8/15/20 → 12/31/21
Project: Research Project
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Thinking with the Body: somatic education for ethical-emotional training.
Cruz Velandia, I., Cortes Garcia, C. M., Rivera Largacha, S. M. A. & Herrera Romero, W. R.
7/31/20 → 1/31/22
Project: Research Project
Application Orange. Mobile application (iOS and Android) and web against gender-based violence - Colombia
5/1/20 → 4/1/22
Project: Research Project
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Crafts and trajectories of emeralds. Between tradition and formalization
Parra Bautista, J. A.
4/6/20 → 6/1/21
Project: Research Project
Formation of career aspirations of Colombian high school graduates
Urbano Canal, N. & Díaz Ríos, C. M.
3/3/20 → 7/21/21
Project: Research Project
Conserving water in the Sierra: eco-hydrological and social analysis to strengthen the strategies of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Water Fund
Bocarejo Suescun, D.
3/1/20 → 5/21/21
Project: Research Project
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Local environmental management: processes for participatory water governance
Bocarejo Suescun, D. & Atehortúa Arredondo, C. I.
3/1/20 → 1/15/22
Project: Research Project
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MOMSIE: Media Monitoring. Monitoring information on elections.
2/7/20 → 12/31/22
Project: Research Project
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Expansion of the scope of the project "Following the Thread of Errancy: Travellers from the Global South in the Urabá Region
1/31/20 → 3/22/22
Project: Research Project
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The crisis of journalism: challenges and opportunities for the profession and the information industry in the digital age (Phase I)
1/15/20 → 6/30/21
Project: Research Project
Impacts of unpaid domestic and care work on the teaching career at the Universidad del Rosario.
Cespedes Baez, L. M., Pedraza, P. & Parra Bautista, J. A.
1/1/20 → 12/31/22
Project: Research Project
Experiences, knowledge and financial behaviour of rural women in the "post-agreement": A comparative study between Piedmont, Cauca and La Carmelita Putumayo.
Baquero-Melo, J. & Chaves, M.
9/27/19 → 11/30/21
Project: Research Project
Sources of the socio-existential experience of young university students (Exploratory phase)
Parra Bautista, J. A.
8/20/19 → 6/1/21
Project: Research Project
History of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad del Rosario, fourth phase: 2002-2019
Quevedo Velez, E., Palacios Sanchez, L., Nuñez Gómez, M. C., Sanchez Martinez, M. C., Yaya Quezada, C. J. & Labrador Morales, M. S.
8/12/19 → 8/11/20
Project: Research Project
Defining the Nutritional Problem in Colombia during the Cold War: Science, Public Health, and Development Politics and Policies, 1940-1960
8/5/19 → 12/6/19
Project: Research Project
Health, market and society An analysis of the Colombian health system, its values, crisis and tensions (Phase I).
7/30/19 → 11/8/20
Project: Research Project
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Sustainable lifestyles and local water governance
Bocarejo Suescun, D. & Aldana Serrano, A. M.
6/19/19 → 8/19/21
Project: Research Project
Tools for building peace and coexistence in school contexts
Ramirez Rueda, L. F., Palacios Espinosa, X. & Vera Marquez, A. V.
6/14/19 → 6/14/21
Project: Research Project
Mercury and Chronic Kidney Disease in Colombia
Varona, M. E., Briceno Ayala, L., Díaz Criollo, S. M., Palma-Parra, R. M. & Trillos Pena, C. E.
4/1/19 → 6/30/21
Project: Research Project
Colombia in the imperialist gaze? The Reiss-Stuebel Photographic Collection and the Visual Economy of the 19th Century
Schuster, S. B. & Neva Oviedo, J.
4/1/19 → 1/31/20
Project: Research Project
Illustrated medicine in Colombia, Peru and Brazil: a comparative study
Quevedo Velez, E., Gutierrez Pelaez, M., Cruz Velandia, I., Barragan Gonzalez, A. M., Isaza-Restrepo, A., Perez Acosta, A. M., Nuñez Gómez, M. C., Rodríguez, L. & Cortes Garcia, C. M.
3/18/19 → 9/27/21
Project: Research Project
Design of a model for the evaluation of ethical training in Colombian universities (Phase I: Bogotá)
Herrera Romero, W. R. & Aguilar Rubiano, B. A.
3/15/19 → 5/31/21
Project: Research Project
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The Colombian business elite and the development project (2002-2018). Exploratory phase.
3/11/19 → 3/31/22
Project: Research Project
Fourth international research symposium: Social studies of physical activity and health
Cortes Garcia, C. M. & Pohl Valero, S.
2/22/19 → 8/22/19
Project: Research Project
Adaptation and evaluation of a multicomponent intervention to prevent childhood overweight and obesity in schoolchildren from two demonstration areas of Colombia
Hormiga Sanchez, C. M., Cortes Garcia, C. M. & Cadena Afanador, L. D. P.
2/18/19 → 2/18/22
Project: Research Project
The business costs of violence against women in Colombia
Beltran Y Puga Murai, A. L. K., Contreras Torres, F. V. & Cortes Garcia, C. M.
2/1/19 → 1/31/21
Project: Research Project
Business Columnists in Colombia: supporting evidence, text-mining, and social media influence
Cortes Sanchez, J. D. & Barredo Ibanez, D.
1/20/19 → 1/20/20
Project: Research Project
Self-medicating behavior on the Internet. An approach from netnography
Vera Marquez, A. V., Perez Acosta, A. M. & Urbina, A.
1/15/19 → 12/18/20
Project: Research Project