Projects per year
- 100 - 150 out of 248 results
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Religion and Rationality in Post-Secular Society (Sub-project:)Transformations of the Relationships between Religion and Politics in Today's Societies
12/20/14 → 6/19/15
Project: Research Project
Water in the Banana Zone: between wealth and dispossession
Bocarejo Suescun, D.
10/20/14 → 5/2/15
Project: Research Project
Estudio comparativo sobre la historia de la medicina y de la salud pública modernas en América Latina. Fase II: Estudio comparativo piloto del caso Colombia-Ecuador, desde la disolución de la Gran Colombia (1830) hasta el inicio de las reformas desarrollistas (1960)
Quevedo Velez, E., Rodas Chaves, G., Nuñez Gómez, M. C. & Cortes Garcia, C. M.
6/2/14 → 12/14/18
Project: Research Project
The visual pyramid: evolution of a conceptual instrument (phase 6)
5/1/14 → 5/17/14
Project: Research Project
Medical Spiritism in Bogota: Therapeutic Logics between the State, Science and Well-Being
3/1/14 → 3/30/16
Project: Research Project
Migratory Itineraries of the Kichwa Otavalo in Bogotá: Transnational Indigenous Migration in the Colombian Context
3/1/14 → 3/1/16
Project: Research Project
Music in relation to the migratory movements of the Hare Krishna in Colombia
Gincel Collazos Valencia, A. B.
1/23/14 → 7/22/15
Project: Research Project
Moral economy of the emerald. Moral and political history of western Boyacá. 1920-1990
Parra Bautista, J. A.
9/1/13 → 12/1/19
Project: Research Project
A Policy of Memory in Transitional Justice Processes: An Analysis of the Colombian Case
5/1/13 → 1/1/16
Project: Research Project
Between dispossession and longing: the memories and violence of the Banana Zone
Bocarejo Suescun, D.
4/1/13 → 11/30/13
Project: Research Project
History of nutrition and medical statistics in Colombia. A perspective from the interaction between science and medicine.
2/1/13 → 2/1/14
Project: Research Project
Subjectivities, Politics and Development: Regional Configurations in Northern Cauca and Magdalena
Bocarejo Suescun, D.
2/1/13 → 2/1/15
Project: Research Project
Looking back and strengthening community participation
Bocarejo Suescun, D.
2/1/13 → 2/1/15
Project: Research Project
Historical analysis of the historical production of polio epidemics in Latin America.
2/1/13 → 8/30/13
Project: Research Project
Transformations of journalism in Colombia 2000-2012, first stage. Research on digital journalism in Colombia (2000-2012)
Duque Soto, A. E.
2/1/13 → 2/1/14
Project: Research Project
The visual pyramid: evolution of a conceptual instrument. Phase 5
2/1/13 → 2/1/14
Project: Research Project
Towards a secular pedagogy of religion for vocational secondary education
2/1/13 → 7/12/14
Project: Research Project
Transformations of journalism in Colombia 2000-2012, first stage "The research on digital journalism in Colombia (2000-2012)".
1/1/13 → 1/1/15
Project: Research Project
The maxim "Duty implies Power" and its real consequences for moral responsibility
1/1/13 → 12/12/20
Project: Research Project
The dissemination of astronomy in Colombia in the 19th century as a cultural artifact
6/6/12 → 6/6/13
Project: Research Project
Political Communication and Journalism: Monitoring Corruption Media
Duque Soto, A. E.
6/1/12 → 10/1/12
Project: Research Project
Government Logics of Land Restitution 2001 - 2011; Challenges, Limits and Prospects of Construction and Implementation of Chapter III of Land Restitution in the Victims Act
Rodriguez Jimenez, N. M. M.
6/1/12 → 5/31/13
Project: Research Project
The social challenges of the consolidation of environmental conservation areas in Bogotá: a commitment to define more inclusive environmental practices.
Rodriguez Jimenez, N. M. M.
6/1/12 → 5/31/13
Project: Research Project
Comparative study of the history of medicine and public health in Latin America
3/1/12 → 3/25/13
Project: Research Project
The visual pyramid: evolution of a conceptual instrument. Phase 3 and 4
2/15/12 → 3/18/13
Project: Research Project
Class Perceptions and Inequality in Latin America
Bocarejo Suescun, D.
2/15/12 → 4/3/13
Project: Research Project
Recognition and exercise of the rights of unrecognized indigenous migrants in Bogotá D.C.
Bernal Camargo, D. R., Ordóñez, J. T., Gincel Collazos, A. & Colmenares, F. A.
1/15/12 → 1/15/13
Project: Research Project
Imagining a continent. American intellectuals and the forging of continental differences
Hensel Riveros, F. D.
9/1/11 → 9/1/15
Project: Research Project
Social engineering: the relationship between natural and social sciences in the construction of the modern body in Colombia, 1870-1940.
7/1/11 → 6/30/12
Project: Research Project
We or how to speak in the first person plural.
Chaparro Amaya, A.
7/1/11 → 7/15/12
Project: Research Project
History of the Physiotherapy Program of the Universidad del Rosario.
7/1/11 → 6/30/12
Project: Research Project
Trajectory of the Iku resistance in Nabusimake from the return of the Capuchins to the taking of the mission (1914-1982)
7/1/11 → 7/15/12
Project: Research Project
Collection of information from 14 territorial entities for the evaluation of the qualitative component of the impact of direct royalties.
Bocarejo Suescun, D.
6/1/11 → 12/31/12
Project: Research Project
Pedagogical manual for the implementation of the case analysis methodology in ethics courses.
3/11/11 → 6/11/12
Project: Research Project
Community Citizenships in the City of Bogotá: Challenges and Scope of Recognition
Bocarejo Suescun, D.
3/1/11 → 3/1/16
Project: Research Project
Geometry of incidence in the Tractatus Logico Philosophicus. Phase 2
1/1/11 → 6/30/16
Project: Research Project
Socio-economic characterization and perceptions of mobility in Cazucá
Bocarejo Suescun, D.
1/1/11 → 6/30/13
Project: Research Project
Challenges, Limits and Prospects of Land Restitution Policy 1997-2012
Rodriguez Jimenez, N. M. M.
1/1/11 → 12/31/13
Project: Research Project
Identificar, conservar, restaurar y digitalizar los libros de las parroquias antiguas de Bogotá
Mayorga Garcia, F. H.
12/22/10 → 12/31/11
Project: Research Project
Women, Islam and the City: Characterization of Muslim Women in Bogota
Castellanos, D. G.
11/16/10 → 2/15/11
Project: Research Project
Elaboration from the informative ethics, of a journalistic quality indicator in Colombia.
8/15/10 → 2/13/12
Project: Research Project