Projects per year
- 450 - 500 out of 1,761 results
Search results
Ocular adverse effects of pharmacological treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review of literature.
De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A., Reyes-Guanes, J., Muñoz-Ortiz, J., Rojas Carabalí, W. A., Mora Muñoz, L., Reyes-Hurtado, J. A. & Tierradentro-García, L. O.
6/12/19 → 6/30/20
Project: Research Project
Type I ROP16 regulates retinal inflammatory responses during ocular toxoplasmosis
6/12/19 → 1/8/20
Project: Research Project
Creation of a sensitive model that responds to how to involve aspects of social justice in education.
Mendez Romero, R. A. & Suavita Ramírez, M. A.
6/6/19 → 6/6/20
Project: Research Project
“Of love and other demons”: depicting human rabies in Colombia
Talero Gutierrez, C. & Tierradentro-García, L. O.
6/1/19 → 12/31/21
Project: Research Project
How is inequality reduced in Colombian cities? Politics, economics and luck in Bucaramanga, Pereira, Barranquilla and Cartagena?
Otero Bahamon, S. A., Jimenez Castilla, T. I., Alvis Arrieta, J., Toro, D. & Silva Ardila, D.
5/31/19 → 5/31/22
Project: Research Project
Parasitic uveitis in pediatric population in Colombia
De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A. & Muñoz-Ortiz, J.
5/31/19 → 5/31/20
Project: Research Project
Sociodemographic and health conditions of eldery people living in community: secondary analysis of the national survey on health, well-being and ageing (SABE-Colombia)
Martinez Rodriguez, A. & Chavarro-Carvajal, D. A.
5/30/19 → 12/31/19
Project: Research Project
Comparison of antifungal sensitivity profile of multiresistant emerging yeast isolates Candida auris recovered from fungemias, candidiasis and colonization processes in Colombia.
Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Escandón, P. & Cáceres, D. H.
5/20/19 → 5/20/20
Project: Research Project
Ophthalmological manifestations in children with Down Syndrome in Bogotá Colombia: Systematic Review of the literature.
Talero Gutierrez, C., De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A., Charry-Sánchez, J. D., Reyes-Guanes, J., Uribe-Reina, M. D. P. & Muñoz, J.
5/13/19 → 5/7/21
Project: Research Project
Ophthalmological manifestations in children with Down syndrome in Bogotá Colombia
Talero Gutierrez, C., De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A., Charry-Sánchez, J. D., Reyes-Guanes, J., Uribe-Reina, M. D. P. & Muñoz, J.
5/13/19 → 5/18/23
Project: Research Project
Fishing for dragonflies: mitogenomes, bar codes and environmental DNA of dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) as a tool to evaluate the conservation status of freshwater ecosystems in Colombia
Salazar Clavijo, C. A., Pardo Diaz, G. C., Sanchez Herrera, M., Amaya, V. & Realpe, E.
5/7/19 → 7/5/22
Project: Research Project
GLOBE 2020 is the next phase of The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Project,
Paez Gabriunas, I. L. O.
5/1/19 → 2/1/22
Project: Research Project
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17th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) 2019
4/22/19 → 4/22/20
Project: Research Project
Understanding the etiology of human gallstone disease via microbiome analysis of patients from Colombia and in silico mining of global data
Quintero Hernandez, G. A., Clay, O. K., Dingsdag, S. A., Chaparro Solano, H. M., Ramirez Gonzalez, J. D., Vargas-Barato, F. & González Cipagauta, F. O.
4/22/19 → 8/22/23
Project: Research Project
Anterior uveitis secondary to intracameral moxifloxacin: case report.
De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A., Reyes-Guanes, J. & Muñoz-Ortiz, J.
4/16/19 → 4/30/20
Project: Research Project
WWF: Women in the workforce in Colombia:Mujeres stereotypes, belief systems, psychosocial risks
Ramirez Rueda, L. F., Levy, S., Palacios Espinosa, X. & Ocampo Palacio, J. G.
4/10/19 → 4/10/21
Project: Research Project
Ophthalmological approach in early-onset sarcoidosis/Blau Syndrome in a Colombian Child: a case report
De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A. & Muñoz-Ortiz, J.
4/10/19 → 3/31/20
Project: Research Project
Political and performative geographies of territorial peace in Colombia
Courtheyn, C. E.
4/1/19 → 2/7/20
Project: Research Project
Mercury and Chronic Kidney Disease in Colombia
Varona, M. E., Briceno Ayala, L., Díaz Criollo, S. M., Palma-Parra, R. M. & Trillos Pena, C. E.
4/1/19 → 6/30/21
Project: Research Project
in vitro evaluation of the response of fibroblasts isolated from ligament to low level laser therapy with comparative doses.
Cardenas Sandoval, R. P., Cucarian Hurtado, J. D. & Ondo Mendez, A. O.
4/1/19 → 5/3/21
Project: Research Project
Longitudinal followup of Mind and Body components in medical students of the Universidad del Rosario
Quintero Hernandez, G. A., Céspedes Londoño, J., Briceño, G. D., Tovar, G., Lopez Guzman, S., Céspedes, M. P., Ladino Marín, E. V., Ramos C, D. M., Trompetero Gonzalez, A. C., Eraso Monzon, M. E., Trillos Pena, C. E., Sarmiento Buitrago, A. F., Pinzon Rondon, A. M. & Cano, J. F.
4/1/19 → 8/1/21
Project: Research Project
Characterization of the interrelationship between the autonomic nervous system and the cardiovascular system in patients with apnea and hypopnea syndrome, as a support for diagnosis and follow-up in pre- and post-treatment stages
Orjuela Cañón, A. D., Jutinico, A. L., Bazurto, M. A. & Dueñas, E.
4/1/19 → 7/31/20
Project: Research Project
JPREPPPST: Judges and rural property. The Missing Link in Public Land Policy
Peña Huertas, R. D. P., Quinche Ramirez, M. F. & Lopez Castro, Y. N.
4/1/19 → 12/15/21
Project: Research Project
Colombia in the imperialist gaze? The Reiss-Stuebel Photographic Collection and the Visual Economy of the 19th Century
Schuster, S. B. & Neva Oviedo, J.
4/1/19 → 1/31/20
Project: Research Project
Mapping Urban Transport in Cartagena, Colombia
Vergel Tovar, C. E., Villegas, M., Peñas , M. C. & Toro, D.
4/1/19 → 7/31/19
Project: Research Project
Democratic inclusion through the courts
Peña Huertas, R. D. P., Parada Hernández, M. M. & Uribe Larrota, L. F.
3/26/19 → 9/26/19
Project: Research Project
Wikiaku'aipa: Wikipedia, women and ancestral knowledge from the global south, in the Colombian context.
Gaitan Bohorquez, J. C. & Bonilla, M.
3/20/19 → 3/19/20
Project: Research Project
Research Seedbed in Biochemistry, Cancer and Radiobiology (SiBio)
Ondo Mendez, A. O. & Quintero-Mejía, P.
3/20/19 → 6/30/21
Project: Research Project
CUIFDPT: Illicit crops and formalization of land rights: evaluation of public policies for a stable and lasting peace
Peña Huertas, R. D. P., Lopez Castro, Y. N., Romero, M. & Marin Jaramillo, M.
3/18/19 → 3/18/21
Project: Research Project
Illustrated medicine in Colombia, Peru and Brazil: a comparative study
Quevedo Velez, E., Gutierrez Pelaez, M., Cruz Velandia, I., Barragan Gonzalez, A. M., Isaza-Restrepo, A., Perez Acosta, A. M., Nuñez Gómez, M. C., Rodríguez, L. & Cortes Garcia, C. M.
3/18/19 → 9/27/21
Project: Research Project
Design of a model for the evaluation of ethical training in Colombian universities (Phase I: Bogotá)
Herrera Romero, W. R. & Aguilar Rubiano, B. A.
3/15/19 → 5/31/21
Project: Research Project
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Socio-economic, ecological and political trajectories of deforestation in tropical forests in post-conflict transition: Lessons for Colombia
Escobedo, F. J., Clerici, N. & Gomez Rey, A.
3/15/19 → 3/15/20
Project: Research Project
Politics and Law in Latin America: New Questions, Old Challenges
3/15/19 → 8/18/20
Project: Research Project
Latin American Elites in front of the Global Power Shift: Preferences of Legislators toward the changing roles of the U.S. and China
3/15/19 → 2/15/20
Project: Research Project
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Constraint-induced movement therapy to improve gait and mobility in patients with neurological injury.
Garcia Salazar, L. F. & Duarte Pereira , N.
3/14/19 → 7/14/23
Project: Research Project
DDM-Colombia: Determinants of Mammographic Density in Colombian Women. DDM-Colombia
Pedraza Flechas, A. M., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M. & Pinzon Rondon, A. M.
3/12/19 → 12/19/22
Project: Research Project
REDIAL: REDIAL - Rethinking International Law Education in Latin America
3/12/19 → 12/12/19
Project: Research Project
Immunological effects of Toxoplasma infection and its relationship with Alzheimer's disease.
Nava Mesa, M. O., Gonzalez Reyes, R. E., De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A. & ortiz, G.
3/11/19 → 12/17/20
Project: Research Project
The Colombian business elite and the development project (2002-2018). Exploratory phase.
3/11/19 → 3/31/22
Project: Research Project
Laissue Hormaza, P.
3/5/19 → 3/3/21
Project: Research Project
Pedraza Flechas, A. M., Barrera Suarez, E. L., Pinzon Rondon, A. M. & Ruiz Sternberg, A. M.
3/4/19 → 12/11/20
Project: Research Project
TDAH e hipoacusia: Una revisión sistemática de la literatura
Talero Gutierrez, C., Velasquez Torres, A., Pradilla Andrade, I. F. & Osorio Restrepo , A. C.
3/4/19 → 7/18/24
Project: Research Project
Determinación de la posible asociación entre TDAH e hipoacusia en una población de escolares de Bogotá.
Talero Gutierrez, C., Velasquez Torres, A., Velez van Meerbeke, A., Manrique-Niño, J. & Diaz-Forero, A.
3/4/19 → 12/19/20
Project: Research Project
Adaptation and Evaluation of the Effects of Relational Intervention to Promote Sensitive Caregiver-Child Interactions, Prevent Child Abuse and Institutionalization in Families at Risk
Ortiz Munoz, J. A., Varela, N., Aponte, D. M., Caicedo Alvarez, J. C., Rincón, C., Schibotto, G., Carbonell, O. A., Muñoz Specht, P., Tarabulsy, G. & Tessier, R.
3/1/19 → 4/30/22
Project: Research Project