Projects per year
Search results
Strengthening the surveillance and diagnosis capacity of fungal diseases in Colombia.
Duarte, C., Escandón, P., Gomez Giraldo, B. L. & Rúa, Á.
9/30/21 → 9/29/26
Project: Research Project
Evaluation of a molecular and immunological test for the diagnosis of histoplasmosis (Protocol 4250)
Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Clay, O. K., Cáceres, D. H., Chiller, T., Tobón, Á. M., Restrepo, A., López, L. F., Lindsley, M., Samayoa, B. & Arathoon, E.
1/1/21 → 12/31/26
Project: Research Project
Genomic correlates of virulence and morphological phase transitions in pathogenic Onygenales fungi
Clay, O. K., Gomez Giraldo, B. L., McEwen Ochoa, J. G., Misas, E., Muñoz, J. F., Cuomo, C. A. & Gómez, Ó.
2/14/18 → 12/31/26
Project: Research Project
SELF-MEDICATION: prevalence, social representations and perception of health consequences in the Colombian population, in times of pandemic.
Palacios Espinosa, X., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Hernandez Rodriguez, A. D. P., Ortigoza Espitia , S. A., Sanchez Fajardo , D., Navarro Laguna , J. A., Olarte Parra, D. F., Cárdenas Cárdenas , J. A., Sotolongo Arias , J. E., Leal, D. A., Adams González , N., Gallego Ortiz , A., Prieto Trujillo , S., Lara Castillo , J. P., Ramírez Prieto , J., Tovar Romero , H. V., Ramos Anaya , J. W., Chicué Cuervo , P. C., Hoyos Sin , L. M., Henao Lozano, J. A., Rojas Reyes, C., Fragala Bernal, V. & Franco Gartner, P.
5/1/22 → 2/10/24
Project: Research Project
Characterization of atypical yeasts at the Mayor Méderi University Hospital: molecular identification, antifungal susceptibility and epidemiological characteristics of infected patients.
Firacative, C., Izquierdo, M. A., Tabares Rodriguez, B. A., Lugo Sánchez, C. F., Gil Montoya, O. I. & Hernández Pabón, J. C.
12/17/21 → 12/16/23
Project: Research Project
LatAsp: Latin American survey on the resistance of Aspergillus fumigatus to sunburn in 12 countries, 20 laboratories.
Grimaldi e Cruz, M., Meyer, W., Melhem, M. S. C., Moretti, M., Trilles, L., Bustamante, B., Parra Giraldo, C. M., Castañón-Olivares, L. R., Alvarez Duarte, E. A., Alvarez-Moreno, C. A., Bonfietti, L. X., Castañeda, E., Díaz, M. C., Dolande, M., Estigarriba-Sanabria, G. M., Fernández, N. B., Firacative, C., Ferreira-Paim, K., González González, G. M., Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Gross, N. T., Jaikel-Víquez, D., Pape, P. L., Soares Martins, L. M., Moller Sundfeldt, A., Neyra, E., Noguera Angarita, M. C., Samayoa, B., Sánchez-Paredes, E., Segundo-Zaragoza, C., Vergara, M. L. S., Puime, A., Fernandes Takahashi, J. P., Trabasso, P., Venturini, J. & Zurita-Salinas, L. J.
9/1/21 → 8/31/23
Project: Research Project
Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: study of the clinical and epidemiological characteristics, and immunological, genetic and microbiological factors, and their relationship with the vaginal microbiota in a cohort of Colombian patients.
4/8/21 → 4/8/23
Project: Research Project
Evaluation of the antifungal capacity of synthetic antibacterial peptides against clinical isolates of the emerging, multiresistant yeast Candida auris recovered in Colombia and other Candida species of public health importance.
Munoz Henao, J. E., Firacative, C., Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Patarroyo Gutierrez, M. A., Escandón Hernández, P. L. & Barreto-Santamaría, A.
11/6/20 → 11/6/23
Project: Research Project
Determination of the main mechanisms associated with fluconazole resistance in Colombian clinical and environmental isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii
Firacative, C. & Escandón Hernández, P. L.
3/13/20 → 12/2/22
Project: Research Project
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Development of antimicrobial peptides from host defense peptides (HDPs) of beetles of the Scarabaeidae family and their evaluation against microorganisms that cause infections associated with health care.
Munoz Henao, J. E., Tellez, G. A., Osorio, J. C. C., Toro, L. J., Gomez Giraldo, B. L. & Firacative, C.
1/30/20 → 1/30/23
Project: Research Project
Epidemiology of invasive aspergillosis in a fourth level hospital in Bogotá, Colombia: a retrospective study
Sánchez, G., Firacative, C., Goyeneche García, A. M. & Rodriguez Oyuela, J. E.
1/10/20 → 7/31/21
Project: Research Project
Determination of the antifungal sensitivity profile of isolates of the emerging multidrug-resistant yeast Candida auris recovered at the Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi.
Rodriguez Leguizamon, G. A. & Gomez Giraldo, B. L.
12/13/19 → 12/13/20
Project: Research Project
Determinants of the antifungal sensitivity profile of isolates of the emerging multidrug-resistant yeast Candida auris recovered at the Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi.
Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Rodriguez Leguizamon, G. A., Escandón, P. & Chica, C.
12/13/19 → 12/13/20
Project: Research Project
Comparison of antifungal sensitivity profile of multiresistant emerging yeast isolates Candida auris recovered from fungemias, candidiasis and colonization processes in Colombia.
Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Escandón, P. & Cáceres, D. H.
5/20/19 → 5/20/20
Project: Research Project
Understanding the etiology of human gallstone disease via microbiome analysis of patients from Colombia and in silico mining of global data
Quintero Hernandez, G. A., Clay, O. K., Dingsdag, S. A., Chaparro Solano, H. M., Ramirez Gonzalez, J. D., Vargas-Barato, F. & González Cipagauta, F. O.
4/22/19 → 8/22/23
Project: Research Project
Bone marrow-derived hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells as targets for Histoplasma capulatum infection: implications for hematopoiesis, differentiation, and proliferation.
Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Gonzalez Marin, A. A., Arango , J. C. & Hernandez Ruiz, O.
1/14/19 → 1/14/22
Project: Research Project
Immunoproteomic analysis of antigens recognized by human patients with cryptococcosis
Alber, G., Firacative, C., Gressler, E., Schulze, B. & Escandón, P.
5/1/18 → 12/31/19
Project: Research Project
Inhibitory activity of limonene against a virulent strain of Candida albicans in vitro and in vivo
Munoz Henao, J. E., Costa Arruda, D., Días, L., Rossi, D. & Taborda, C.
3/1/18 → 2/28/19
Project: Research Project
Determination of antibodies against Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii proteins in sera of healthy and cryptococcosis Colombian children and adults.
Firacative, C., Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Escandón, P. & Lizarazo, J.
3/1/18 → 6/30/21
Project: Research Project
Study of factors associated with the virulence of clinical isolates of the emerging multiresistant yeast Candida auris recovered in Colombia: in search of predictors of clinical evolution and markers of resistance.
Escandón, P., Weisner, M., Duarte, C., Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Morales, S. E., Rodríguez, J. Y., Barón, C., Chiller, T., Lockhart, S., Litvintseva, A., Contreras, D. & Alvarado, M.
1/15/18 → 12/31/20
Project: Research Project
Pathogenicity analysis of Candida auris and C. haemulonii using the murine and Galleria mellonella experimental models
Parra-Giraldo, C. M. & Munoz Henao, J. E.
1/2/18 → 12/31/18
Project: Research Project
Evaluation of Pathogenicity Related to Resistance and Biofilm Production in Candida spp. Clinical Strains in Cases of Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis.
Pinilla, G., Muñoz, L., Navarrete, J., Munoz Henao, J. E. & Parra-Giraldo, C. M.
1/2/18 → 1/9/20
Project: Research Project
Determination of the antimicrobial activity of peptides analogous to human cathellicide LL37 in Candida albicans
Pinilla, G., Muñoz, L., Navarrete, J., Munoz Henao, J. E. & Parra-Giraldo, C. M.
1/2/18 → 11/12/19
Project: Research Project
A glucosylceramide from Lomentospora prolificans induces a differential production of cytokines and increases the microbicide ability of macrophages
Xisto, M., dos Santos Dias, L., Pelleschi Taborda, C., Barreto-Bergter, E. & Munoz Henao, J. E.
1/1/18 → 12/31/18
Project: Research Project