Projects per year
Search results
Social cognition and processing in individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1: A systematic review
Gómez Carvajal, A. M. & Botero Meneses, J. S.
6/1/23 → 9/30/24
Project: Research Project
Characteristics of memory skills in schoolchildren from schools in Bogotá.
Talero Gutierrez, C., Velez van Meerbeke, A., Cadavid Espinha, S. & Gómez Carvajal, A. M.
6/14/22 → 12/14/23
Project: Research Project
Brief history of poliomyelitis and its virtual eradication through vaccination.
Gómez Carvajal, A. M., Palacios Sanchez, L., Botero Meneses, J. S. & Palacios Espinosa, X.
5/2/22 → 12/16/22
Project: Research Project
Characteristics of memory skills in children with Down syndrome with developmental age of 5 years.
Talero Gutierrez, C., Velez van Meerbeke, A., Gómez Carvajal, A. M. & Cadavid Espinha, S.
5/1/22 → 12/1/23
Project: Research Project
Historical and neuropsychiatric aspects of tuberculosis.
Palacios Espinosa, X., Palacios Sanchez, L., Gómez Carvajal, A. M. & Botero Meneses, J. S.
6/16/21 → 7/29/22
Project: Research Project
Memory and learning facilitating effects in pediatric population: Systematic review.
Talero Gutierrez, C., Cadavid Espinha, S., Cortés Albornoz , M. C., Mendoza Ayus, S. D., Velez van Meerbeke, A. & Gómez Carvajal, A. M.
1/2/21 → 6/15/23
Project: Research Project
Behavioral and brain correlates of social emotions and moral judgment in adults with schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder.
6/1/20 → 6/1/23
Project: Research Project
Oxytocin and Chronic Pain in Humans
Palacios Espinosa, X., Gómez Carvajal, A. M., Botero Meneses, J. S. & Palacios Sanchez, L.
1/10/17 → 12/16/17
Project: Research Project