Photoboy: ¿La pedagogía en medios digitales es una buena opción para las campañas de prevención de consumo de tabaco y/o cigarrillo?

Julian Enrique Paez Valdez, Mariana Cruz Luna, Margarita Rosa Rojas Torres, Laura Camila Sandoval Camacho

Research output: Chapter in Book/InformChapterResearch

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It is an article that will present the results found in one of the lines of work of the Photoboy project, a digital, collaborative and transmedia platform for the promotion and prevention of diseases linked to tobacco use in children and adolescents of the Coffee Region, which was born in the research hotbed "Communication, Education and Culture" of the Catholic University of Pereira. This research was developed after winning Call No. 874 of 2020: "Call for the Strengthening of Projects in Execution of CTeI in Health Sciences with Young Talent and Regional Impact"
Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Title of host publicationPerspectivas de Salud Mental y Comunicación de Jóvenes Investigadores
Place of PublicationPereira
Number of pages22
StatePublished - Dec 1 2022

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Communication

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