Influencers colombianos en el desarrollo de tendencias de moda: Un análisis de los líderes de opinión en Instagram

Translated title of the contribution: Colombian influencers in the development of fashion trends: An analysis of opinion leaders on Instagram

Alejandro Rivera Monsalve, Daniel Barredo

Research output: Chapter in Book/InformChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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With the emergence of web 2.0, blogging platforms and social networks, opinion leaders, known as influencers, began to influence the way users think in the digital sphere. Due to the above, fashion brands included these characters in their marketing strategies. This academic article studied the tactics used by some of the Colombian influencers for the development and creation of fashion trends. The foregoing with the aim of identifying which are the most used communication and interaction strategies on Instagram. Through this research, it was established that, regardless of their style and identification seal, influencers manage to give life to garments and accessories, which allows establishing a closer relationship between users and fashion.
Translated title of the contributionColombian influencers in the development of fashion trends: An analysis of opinion leaders on Instagram
Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Title of host publicationComunicación en la era postcovid, medios audiovisuales y análisis
EditorsJesús Díaz Campo, Luz Martínez Martínez
Place of PublicationMadrid
PublisherDykinson Editorial
Number of pages14
ISBN (Print)9788413778075
StatePublished - Oct 2021


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