Emprendimiento y periodismo en línea en América Latina: Una entrevista en profundidad con emprendedores de Colombia, Ecuador y México

Translated title of the contribution: Entrepreneurship and online journalism in Latin America: An in-depth interview with entrepreneurs from Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico

Daniel Barredo, Karen Tatiana Pinto Garzón, Elba Díaz

Research output: Chapter in Book/ReportChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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The situation of journalism is dramatic in Latin American countries such as Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico. The alarming figures on violence and threats against journalists are aggravated by global phenomena that -such as the concentration of promotion resources in large transnational companies- undermine the conventional possibilities of financing through advertising investment. With this study, we seek to identify the general and internal aspects of the enterprises represented by the entrepreneurs interviewed in Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico, as well as to evaluate the possibilities of financing and the perspectives that must be taken into account to approach an enterprise in these countries.
Translated title of the contributionEntrepreneurship and online journalism in Latin America: An in-depth interview with entrepreneurs from Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico
Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Title of host publicationTransformación digital
Subtitle of host publicationXXVII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Periodística
EditorsMarián Alonso González, Sandra Méndez Muros, Aránzazu Román San Miguel
Place of PublicationSevilla
PublisherUniversidad de Sevilla
Number of pages3
ISBN (Print)9788447231324
StatePublished - Sep 2021


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