La resolución de los contratos en el derecho colombiano

Fabricio Mantilla Espinosa, Francisco José Ternera Barrios

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In this article the authors carry out the analysis of the juridical norms of resolution of contracts by default that Colombian jurisprudence has interpreted
starting from the texts of the Civil Code and Commerce Code. So, by means of the
methodology of comparative law, “The resolution of the contracts in the Colombian Law” proposes to identify the main theoretical confusions and disagreements of practical enforcement that have appeared in this neighbouring
country around this important issue. This analysis is always interesting for the
Chilean jurist that wishes to immerse himself in the study of the private law
within the countries that adopted the Bello Code.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)43 - 71
Number of pages28
JournalRevista Chilena De Derecho Privado Fernando Fueyo Laneri
Issue number5
StatePublished - Dec 2005

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