El diseño de los ciberdiarios deportivos españoles y la participación de los usuarios. Análisis transversal de la cobertura informativa de Marca.com y Sport.es del clásico entre Real Madrid CF y FC Barcelona (2010-11)

Daniel Barredo Ibáñez, Martín Oller Alonso

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch Articlepeer-review


During the 2010 � 2011 football season Real Madrid C. F. and F. C. Barcelona had to play against each other up to 5 times. For that reason the biggest Spanish sport cibermedia, MARCA.com and SPORT.es, carried out a very intense coverage of these events. In the current report we present the results, on one hand, of the types of designs of online newspapers and, on the other hand, we link them to the participation of the users (comments). The results of the analysis of both designs show that SPORT.es tended to be more reluctant to include innovative container frames. MARCA.com, meanwhile, tended to be more permeable to enable new media genres. In general terms as MARCA.com was better adapted to the contextual properties of the cyberspace.
Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Article number83
Pages (from-to)807-824
Number of pages18
JournalRazón y Palabra
Issue number83
StatePublished - 2013

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