Conflictos ambientales amenazan la salud de la población y la biodiversidad del planeta

Gloria Amparo Rodriguez

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This document analyses how the interests and values related with the use of natural resources and environment have generated environmental problems on the local, regional, national, international, even in the global ambit. For this reason some of the accidents happened in different countries are described, them have modified the countryside and have put in risk not just the biological diversity, also the health and the economical activity of the adjacent communities. Moreover it studies the difficulties that have been presented in the recognizing about the caused damages and the remediation and indemnification about themselves; it makes a reference to the international laws of the term and presents some reflections about the problematic, about the actions of the States and the possible solutions.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)327 - 345
Number of pages18
JournalRevista de derecho
Issue number28
StatePublished - Jul 2007

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