A administração pública nas sociedades da informação e do conhecimento

Diana Carolina Valencia Tello, Edilson Vitorelli Diniz Lima

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

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Today, the Internet and social networks are radically changing the nature
of interaction between individuals in information societies, which is why
states and governments at all levels must prepare itself to face this new
reality, facing the increasing demands of society, which seeks greater participation,transparency and effectiveness of the State. In this context, one
of the most important elements to make possible citizen’s participation in
public decisions that affects community is the access to public information.
But in Weberian type of bureaucracy, dominated by political and economic
interests, the information is protected, among other reasons, to avoid the
criticism of society. In order to explain better this problem, we’ll analyze
first public administration in information societies; then, we’ll presents the
bureaucracy in Weber, and then we’ll study bureaucracy’s characteristics
in Latin America. On the fourth item, we will address the Brazilian case,
with emphasis on the current issue of disclosure of the expenses of the 2014
World Cup. Finally, we’ll expose the e-Government program in Colombia.
Original languagePortuguese
Number of pages32
Specialist publicationRevista de Direito Administrativo
StatePublished - Jan 2013

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