Statin and risk of falls in the elderly: A sytematic review of the literature

Título traducido de la contribución: Uso de estatinas y riesgo de caídas en ancianos: revisión sistemática de la literatura

Luis Carlos Venegas Sanabria, Stephany Barbosa Balaquera, Ana María Suarez Acosta, Ángel Alberto García Peña, Carlos Alberto Cano Gutiérrez

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

6 Citas (Scopus)


Background With the high incidence of cardiovascular events in the elderly population the effectiveness of statins in reducing mortality from coronary events has been demonstrated. However, there have been adverse effects, such as myalgia, myopathy, myonecrosis, not to mention the falls as a result of muscle damage with statin use. Objective The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review to assess the literature on the association between statin use and the risk of falls. Methods The databases that were included PUBMED AND SCOPUS, with articles published from January 2000 to May 2016. The MESH terms used for the search were “FALLS” AND “STATIN”. Selected studies included cohort populations from the community (> 50 years old), and analysed using the Scottish Intercollegiate (SIGN) methodology guidelines, as no randomised controlled study was found. Results In the study by Ham et al., statin use was shown to be a protective factor for presence of falls. In the second study by Scott et al., there was an increased risk of falls (P =.029) and an impairment in muscle strength and quality muscle (P =.033 and P =.046, respectively). In the third study Haerer et al., found an increased risk of falls (P =.63). Conclusions The association between use of statins and risk of falls could not be determined with the available evidence, although an association with the involvement of some determinants of muscular function was found.

Título traducido de la contribuciónUso de estatinas y riesgo de caídas en ancianos: revisión sistemática de la literatura
Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Páginas (desde-hasta)317-321
Número de páginas5
PublicaciónRevista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia
EstadoPublicada - nov. 1 2017
Publicado de forma externa

Áreas temáticas de ASJC Scopus

  • Medicina (miscelánea)
  • Estudio del envejecimiento
  • Geriatría y gerontología


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