Reinfection-induced increase of rubella persistently infected cells in a macrophage-like cell line

R. E. Sarmiento, R. Tirado, B. Gómez

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

7 Citas (Scopus)


The establishment and relevant characteristics of a long-term rubella persistent infected immortalised murine macrophage culture with a high proportion of persistent infected cells over uninfected is described. The high proportion of persistent infected macrophages was obtained through reinfection with the original virus. Prior to reinfection, 35-50% of the cells expressed viral antigen, 0.05-1.5% produced infective virus and extra-cellular virus was continuously produced with infective titers cyclically fluctuating between 102 and 107 TCID50/ml. After reinfection, the macrophages which expressed viral antigen and produced infective virus had increased to 75-90% and 30-45% respectively and extracellular virus was continuously produced with stable titer between 102-103 TCID50/ml. Furthermore, in the reinfected culture no significant variation was observed in the percentage of cells expressing antigen, producing virus and in the titer of extracellular virus for longer than a year of passages.

Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Páginas (desde-hasta)15-22
Número de páginas8
PublicaciónVirus Research
EstadoPublicada - jul. 1997
Publicado de forma externa

Áreas temáticas de ASJC Scopus

  • Investigación sobre el cáncer
  • Virología
  • Enfermedades infecciosas


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