Exploring the Non-Covalent Bonding in Water Clusters

Título traducido de la contribución: Explorando los Enlaces No Covalentes en Agrupaciones de Agua

Luis Eduardo Seijas Ruiz, Cesar Zambrano, Rafael Almeida, Jorge Ali-Torres, Luis Rincón, F. Javier Torres

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículo de Investigaciónrevisión exhaustiva

8 Citas (Scopus)


QTAIM and source function analysis were used to explore the non-covalent bonding in twelve different water clusters (H2O)n obtained by considering n = 2–7 and various geometrical arrangements. A total of seventy-seven O−H⋯O hydrogen bonds (HBs) were identified in the systems under consideration, and the examination of the electron density at the bond critical point (BCP) of these HBs revealed the existence of a great diversity of O−H⋯O interactions. Furthermore, the analysis of quantities, such as |𝑉(𝐫)|/𝐺(𝐫) and 𝐻(𝐫), allowed a further description of the nature of analogous O−H⋯O interactions within each cluster. In the case of 2-D cyclic clusters, the HBs are nearly equivalent between them. However, significant differences among the O−H⋯O interactions were observed in 3-D clusters. The assessment of the source function (SF) confirmed these findings. Finally, the ability of SF to decompose the electron density (ρ) into atomic contributions allowed the evaluation of the localized or delocalized character of these contributions to ρ at the BCP associated to the different HBs, revealing that weak O−H⋯O interactions have a significant spread of the atomic contributions, whereas strong interactions have more localized atomic contributions. These observations suggest that the nature of the O−H⋯O hydrogen bond in water clusters is determined by the inductive effects originated by the different spatial arrangements of the water molecules in the studied clusters.
Título traducido de la contribuciónExplorando los Enlaces No Covalentes en Agrupaciones de Agua
Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)5271
Número de páginas5271
PublicaciónInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
EstadoPublicada - mar. 9 2023

Áreas temáticas de ASJC Scopus

  • Geometría y topología
  • Química física y teórica
  • Óptica y física atómica y molecular

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