Detalles del proyecto
Este Proyecto consiste en una invitación que me hace la editorial Routledge (Taylor&Francis) para escribir y publicar con ellos un libro de introducción a la vida y obra del psicoanalista húngaro Sandor Ferenczi, sobre quien he investigado y publicado diversos libros y artículos. La propuesta ha sido evaluada por pares y aceptada por la editorial. A continuación, describo el proyecto en inglés, idioma en el que será escrito y publicado el libro:This Introduction to Sandor Ferenczi aims to present an up-to-date compendium of one of the most important psychoanalysts of all times, who came to be known as Freud’s most brilliant pupil. Of him, Freud said: “Hungary, so close to Austria geographically and so distanced scientifically, up to now has offered psychoanalysis only one collaborator, S. Ferenczi; but such a one that he is worth an entire society”. It aims to present Ferenczi as a person; his discovery of psychoanalysis and his relation with Freud; the theoretical and clinical novelties he introduced to psychoanalysis; his unique contributions to the comprehension and treatment of psychological trauma; his distance with Freud and his repression in the history of psychoanalysis; his influence in the following generations of psychoanalysis even though they did not cite him; his return to the psychoanalytic scene; and his influence in psychoanalysis today.Even though there are many books and articles on Ferenczi, a short book that introduces his life and works and his influence in psychoanalysis today is more than necessary. Most books offer a unilateral and biased view of Ferenczi’s work that does not include all of the innovations present in his writings, or the diverse and original ways in which his work has been written (the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis, the relational and intersubjective perspectives of psychoanalysis, the Lacanian and post-Lacanian reading of Ferenczi, its presence in universities, such as the Sandor Ferenczi institute in the New School of Social Research, the Latin American Sandor Ferenczi Association (, amongst other). There is even a presence of Ferenczi in artworks and cultural expressions (for example, Emm Cooper’s “Confusion of tongues” film or Ferenczi’s own short poems, Ferenczi and spirituality, etc.) of which I have found no reference in the existing literature.Table of contents:1.Introduction2.Historical and biographical context.Sandor Ferenczi biographical outline. Budapest, his training as a physician. His pre-psychoanalytic works. His relation with the Hungarian intellectuals of his time.3.Ferenczi meets FreudFerenczi’s interest in psychoanalysis. His reading of Freud’s work.Ferenczi meets Freud. Their friendship and analytic relationship.Ferenczi as a translator and divulgater of Freud’s work.The treatment of war neuroses4.A creator of key psychoanalytical conceptsFerenczi as a creator of key psychoanalytic concepts and techniques:IntrojectionElasticity of psychoanalytic techniqueA passionate and active psychoanalystThalassa and BioanalysisMutual analysisIdentification with the aggressorFerenczi’s understanding of the childA novel conception of the end of analysis5.The concern for the psychoanalysis of the analystThe analysis of the psychoanalyst. Ferenczi’s key contributions for the training of the psychoanalystThe creation of the International Psychoanalytic AssociationThe thoughts on psychoanalysis and timeFerenczi’s analysis with Freud6.Ferenczi’s final contributionsFerenczi’s latest writings. The effect of “confusion of tongues” and his Clinical DiaryFerenczi’s traumatic theorySplitting as a psychic defens37.Ferenczi’s repression and revival in the history of psychoanalysisThe repression of Ferenczi’s work.Ferenczi’s uncited influence in the British psychoanalytic school: Winnicott, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein.Ferenczi’s works revealed. The translation and first publishing of many of his works.Ferenczi’s effect in different schools and theories.8.Ferenczi in the contemporary landscapeRelational psychoanalysis.How Lacan read Ferenczi.Post-Lacanian reading of Ferenczi.Ferenczi and language. Confusion of tongues as a trauma of language.Ferenczi in psychoanalytic schools, universities, culture and the arts.9.To conclude: What is the relevance of Ferenczi in the future?
Palabras clave
Libro de investigación Routledge
Presentación en congreso internacional
Presentación en evento académico nacional
Presentación en congreso internacional
Presentación en evento académico nacional
Estado | Finalizado |
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin | 10/1/19 → 2/28/21 |
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- Capacidad Instalada (Unidad Académica)
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