From the beam to the reverse: the concept and strategy.

Project: Research Project

Project Details


Identify methodological strategies associated with the recall of concepts at the undergraduate level in biology.

Specific objectives:

1. Characterize the population socio-demographically
of undergraduate biology students participating in
This studio.

2. Recognize levels of recall of concepts
disciplines evoked by undergraduate students
in biology.

3. Determine from what was referred by the students,
activities developed by the teachers in the classes
undergraduate degree in biology, which could be related to the
concept recall.

Commitments / Obligations

1. Train in research in Science Education
Natural Sciences to 4 undergraduate students in Biology from
the University of Rosario

2.A scientific article submitted in Q1 magazine

3. Make manifest teaching strategies of the
biology, as fundamental aspects in the scope
of significant learning

4.Identify favorable learning environments for the
knowledge appropriation.

5. Socialize through a video, before the community
educational, the identified classroom strategies.

6. Participate in an international congress.
Short titleFrom the beam to the reverse.
Effective start/end date5/2/223/29/24

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education

Main Funding Source

  • Competitive Funds
  • Incubator


  • Bogotá D.C.


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