Tintin, the Secret Indentity: A study behind tintin's personality traits.

Título traducido de la contribución: Tintin, la identidad secreta: Un esudio detrás de los rasgos de personalidad de Tintin

Jaime Valero, Juan F. Cano

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaPósterrevisión exhaustiva

1014 Descargas (Pure)


Personality has been defined from different perspectives, a variety of scales has been used in order to measure the numerous personality traits. Scales that gave little guidance with poor concept name relation with some of these traits and also that varies according to each assessor’s scale interpretation. In order to fight against this problematic, an integration of concepts with the introduction of a descriptive model in personality psychology was the solution to it. An extenuating researched that involved along the years several variables in order to determine five dimensions had to be made to structure the taxonomy in human personality. These variables rated from people with no more than high school education to first year graduate students, ratings by peers, supervisors,
teachers, or experienced clinicians in diverse settings. The analyses, made at the time by Tupes and Christal found five strong and recurrent factors between descriptions. This five-factor structure was later replicated by Norman, Borgatta (1963), Goldberg in the 1981 named them “Big five” to emphasize the amplitude of each factor (1). The Adventures of Tintin (Les Aventures de Tintin) a series of 24 comic albums that were created by a Belgian cartoonist George Remi who wrote under the pseudonym of Herg’. He created a personage that became one of the most popular European comic characters of the 20th century. It is developed during a pretty realistic era. It was written in more than 70 languages around the world, with sold over to 200 million copies. This case is then a study of Tintin’s personality traits, a man in his early twenties. Tintin is a clever journalist and adventurer/pilot. Also, a man with a particular endurance who has survived collisions and crashes, capable of fight to bring two men by himself, fight corruption without too much effort. He has excellent people skills and speaks a bunch of languages which is very helpful in connect to different humans, let`s not forget that he also loves animals, for example his
loyal partner Snowy (“Milou” in French). So, we have a person who has a very good reputation if we ask captain Haddock (his adventure companion), and has
no bad habits and apparently is one of the best humans in the comic world. However, to the question how can such a wonderful human being can be alone? The interest to know some of his personality traits could showed some psychopathology or the fact that he is just gay, some facts are that he never showed interest in girls, a dog that is unambiguously heterosexual having the
tendency to be distracted by lady dogs, tendency that is blocked by his owner, what about his best friend, a middle-aged sailor? Really? So, the writer
might want to keep him in the closet all these years
Título traducido de la contribuciónTintin, la identidad secreta: Un esudio detrás de los rasgos de personalidad de Tintin
Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Número de páginas2
EstadoPublicada - may. 6 2018
EventoAmerican Psychiatric Association (APA) 171st Annual Meeting - Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Nueva York, Estados Unidos
Duración: may. 5 2018may. 9 2018
Número de conferencia: P1-070


ConferenciaAmerican Psychiatric Association (APA) 171st Annual Meeting
Título abreviadoAPA
País/TerritorioEstados Unidos
CiudadNueva York

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