Sistema basado en internet de las cosas (IoT) para la monitorización en tiempo real de variables de temperatura y humedad en un equipo de refrigeración de área de farmacia de un hospital de cuarto nivel

Daniel Alejandro Quiroga Torres, Angie Banesa Baquero Soto, Diana Sofía Ballesteros Coral, Pedro Antonio Aya Parra, Hernán Alfredo Bernal Muñoz, Jefferson Steven Sarmiento Rojas, Nidia Patricia Córdoba-Hernández, Alexandra Beltran, Angelmiro Núñez Cruz, Oscar Julian Perdomo Charry

Producción científica: Capítulo en Libro/InformeContribución a la conferencia

887 Descargas (Pure)


The lack of control of the variables, such as temperature and humidity in the storage of medicines, is linked to the alteration of the chemical properties of pharmaceutical products. The increase in temperature is directly related to the increase in the speed of medicines deterioration, while low temperatures can facilitate the formation of granules in certain vaccines. For this reason, the lack of control of these variables can become the main cause of an adverse event compromising the health status of the patient and putting their lives at risk. In the context of the new emerging technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) has allowed the interlocking of communication systems with different industrial sectors. A sector that is no stranger to this technological change is the health sector, both in the care of people and in the monitoring of medical devices and equipment, and the construction of smart hospitals.
The purpose of this work is to implement a system based on IoT which allows to prevent possible errors or failures in the traceability of the medicines conservation in the pharmacy area in a fourth level hospital. This is achieved through the supervision and control of the medical device that preserves the temperature and humidity of the medications allowing them to maintain their physical, chemical, microbiological, therapeutic and toxicological properties recommended by the manufacturer and current regulations.
The implemented system was based on a centralized IoT architecture, which refers to a network that follows MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) and HTTPs (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) protocols. These protocols allowed connecting objects via the internet to transmit information for the purpose of intelligent communication between objects and the central information system.
The final implementation of the monitoring system allowed continuous recording of the temperature and humidity variables by establishing dynamic alarms in order to help identify and warn the responsible personnel about the unwanted behavior of the refrigeration equipment. It was possible to optimize the daily record of temperature and humidity.
Idioma originalEspañol (Colombia)
Título de la publicación alojadaRetos en la formación de ingenieros en la era digital
Número de páginas9
EstadoPublicada - sep. 10 2019
EventoEncuentro Internacional de Educación en Ingeniería -EIEI- ACOFI 2019 - Centro de Convenciones Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia
Duración: sep. 10 2019sep. 13 2019


ConferenciaEncuentro Internacional de Educación en Ingeniería -EIEI- ACOFI 2019
Título abreviadoEIEI 2019
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  • Ingeniería biomédica

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