Scalpel or Stethoscope: Relationship between personality traits and the potential or actual choice of a residency program

Título traducido de la contribución: Bisturí o estetoscopio: Relación entre los rasgos de personalidad y la elección o potencial elección de un programa de residencia

Daniela Vélez Vallejo, Diana Carolina Zamora Rondón, Maria Camila Buitrago Rincón, Miguel Rafael Lopez Patron, Gloria Sofia Guerrero Alvarez, Juan F. Cano

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaPósterrevisión exhaustiva

18 Descargas (Pure)


The election of a medical specialty is an important and multivariate decision for the medial student. Investigation of personality traits and its relationship between a potential election or the election of a medical residency is important, since it allows a future early orientation that promotes health and well-being in students, decreasing the impact of work- related stress and phenomena such as burnout syndrome. The objective was to analyze the relationship between personality traits prevalent among final year medical students with their area of interest in a potential election of a medical residency, and among students of medical residencies in Universidad del Rosario.

This is an observational, analytical, cross – sectional study, with 2 reference groups: last year medicine students and medical residents from Universidad del Rosario. For this purpose, the Big Five Inventory (BFI-2) questionnaire was applied. This questionnaire has 30 items and was completed with other variables in the questionnaire.

We used a sample of 83 medical students, and 167 residents, in which the BFI-2S (Big Five Inventory – 2) will be applied to identify five fundamental dimensions for the description and evaluation of personality, and then establish the possible associations and differences between the two evaluated groups.

Conclusion: The early identification of personality traits could play a role at an individual level in the decision making in terms of a career in the medical field. Promoting the cultivation of personality traits and their configuration in students, may have a positive impact in health and resilience.
Título traducido de la contribuciónBisturí o estetoscopio: Relación entre los rasgos de personalidad y la elección o potencial elección de un programa de residencia
Idioma originalInglés
EstadoPublicada - oct. 18 2021
EventoWorld Congress of Psychiatry - WCP 21: Virtual Congress - Congreso Virtual, Cartagena, Colombia
Duración: oct. 18 2021oct. 21 2021
Número de conferencia: 1317


ConferenciaWorld Congress of Psychiatry - WCP 21
Título abreviadoWCP 21
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