Introducción: La diarrea epidémica porcina es una enfermedad infecciosa, que ataca principalmente a los lechones neonatos, con morbilidad del 80 al 100% y mortalidad del 50 al 90%. La forma más rápida de propagación del virus (PEDv) es el transporte de porcinos. Esta enfermedad ingresó a Colombia en el 2014 afectando la producción nacional sin que se conociera el comportamiento epidemiológico en el país. Previamente se había reportado a nivel mundial que la forma más rápida de propagación del virus (PEDv) es el transporte de porcinos. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del PEDv y los factores asociados al transporte de cerdos a plantas de beneficio. Métodos: El diseño del estudio es de corte transversal, en una muestra de 518 camiones de transporte porcino en las 32 plantas legales autorizados en 2014 por el Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA) en el país, con afijación proporcional por número de ingresos de vehículos a planta. Se realizó un muestreo en los camiones a la entrada y salida de la planta de beneficio los cuales fueron analizadas por RT-PCR y se aplicó encuesta a los conductores de los camiones. Resultados: La prevalencia de PEDv al ingreso de planta fue del 71,8% (IC 95% 70,8–72,8) vs. 70,5% (IC 95% 69,5–71,5) a la salida, p=0.375. Factores asociados con PEDv en camiones: Tipo de planta nacional (OR 15,95, IC 95% 4,91–51,85) y planta nacional – exportación (OR 9,02, IC 95% 2,20–36,91), zona de mayor sacrificio (OR 9,05, IC 95% 2,97–27,63) y uso de los camiones tanto para el transporte de cerdos como otros productos (OR 3,75 IC 95% 1,55-9,08) y visita a plantas de alimentos concentrados (OR 13,56 IC 95% 4,17–44,12). Factores que reducen la posibilidad de contaminación de PEDv en camiones: Lavado semanal o diario, uso de desinfectantes y uso exclusivo para transporte porcino. Discusión: Los resultados del estudio, con prevalencia del 71,8% de PEDv en los camiones evidencian que las medidas de control en el transporte de porcinos en Colombia presentan fallas que facilitaron la diseminación del PEDv.
Introduction: Epidemic porcine diarrhea is an infectious disease, which mainly attacks neonate piglets, with morbidity from 80 to 100% and mortality from 50 to 90%. The most rapid form of virus spread (PEDV) is the transport of swine. This disease got it to Colombia in 2014 affecting the national production without knowing the epidemiological behavior in the country. It has been previously reported worldwide that the fastest form of virus spread (PEDV) is the swine transport. Objective: Determine the prevalence of PEDV and factors associated with the transport of pigs to benefit plants. Methods: The research's design is a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 518 pig transport trucks in the 32 main slaughterhouses authorized in 2014 by the National Drug and Food Surveillance Institute (INVIMA) in the country, with proportional allocation according to the number of vehicle entrances to the plants. Sampling was carried out in the trucks at the entry and exit of the slaughterhouses, which were analyzed by RT-PCR and a survey applied to truck drivers. Results: The prevalence of PEDv at the ingress to plant was of 71,8% (CI 95% 70,8 - 72,8) vs. 70,5% (CI 95% 69,5 - 71,5) to the exit, p=0,375. Were evidenced as associated factors to the PEDv contamination of the trucks: the type of national slaughterhouse (OR 15,9, CI 95% 4,9 - 51,85) and national - exportation slaughterhouse (OR 9,0 CI 95%: 2,20 - 36,91), the zone of highest slaughter (OR 9,05 CI 95% 2,9 - 27,63) and the non-exclusive use of vehicle to swine transport (OR 3,75, CI 95%: 1,55 - 9,08) and the visit to plants of food concentrates (OR 13,5 CI 95%: 4,1 - 44,12). Were identified as factors that reduce the possibility of PEDv contamination the weekly or daily washing, use of disinfectants on the vehicle and it's the exclusive use to pig transport. Discussion: The results of the study, with a prevalence of 71.8% of PEDv in the trucks, show that the control measures in the pig transport process in Colombia present faults that facilitated the dissemination of PEDv.
Introduction: Epidemic porcine diarrhea is an infectious disease, which mainly attacks neonate piglets, with morbidity from 80 to 100% and mortality from 50 to 90%. The most rapid form of virus spread (PEDV) is the transport of swine. This disease got it to Colombia in 2014 affecting the national production without knowing the epidemiological behavior in the country. It has been previously reported worldwide that the fastest form of virus spread (PEDV) is the swine transport. Objective: Determine the prevalence of PEDV and factors associated with the transport of pigs to benefit plants. Methods: The research's design is a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 518 pig transport trucks in the 32 main slaughterhouses authorized in 2014 by the National Drug and Food Surveillance Institute (INVIMA) in the country, with proportional allocation according to the number of vehicle entrances to the plants. Sampling was carried out in the trucks at the entry and exit of the slaughterhouses, which were analyzed by RT-PCR and a survey applied to truck drivers. Results: The prevalence of PEDv at the ingress to plant was of 71,8% (CI 95% 70,8 - 72,8) vs. 70,5% (CI 95% 69,5 - 71,5) to the exit, p=0,375. Were evidenced as associated factors to the PEDv contamination of the trucks: the type of national slaughterhouse (OR 15,9, CI 95% 4,9 - 51,85) and national - exportation slaughterhouse (OR 9,0 CI 95%: 2,20 - 36,91), the zone of highest slaughter (OR 9,05 CI 95% 2,9 - 27,63) and the non-exclusive use of vehicle to swine transport (OR 3,75, CI 95%: 1,55 - 9,08) and the visit to plants of food concentrates (OR 13,5 CI 95%: 4,1 - 44,12). Were identified as factors that reduce the possibility of PEDv contamination the weekly or daily washing, use of disinfectants on the vehicle and it's the exclusive use to pig transport. Discussion: The results of the study, with a prevalence of 71.8% of PEDv in the trucks, show that the control measures in the pig transport process in Colombia present faults that facilitated the dissemination of PEDv.
Idioma original | Español (Colombia) |
Calificación | Máster |
Institución adjudicadora |
Supervisores/asesores |
Fecha de adjudicación | abr. 21 2015 |
Lugar de publicación | Repositorio Universidad del Rosario |
Edición | 2017 |
Estado | Publicada - ene. 16 2017 |
Áreas temáticas de ASJC Scopus
- Medicina General
- Veterinaria General