Implementando el marco educativo CDIO utilizando la metodología EBPr, en la asignatura "Internet de las cosas: aplicaciones en salud"

Daniel Alejandro Quiroga Torres, Pedro Antonio Aya Parra, Jefferson Steven Sarmiento Rojas, Antonio Miguel Cruz

Producción científica: Capítulo en Libro/InformeContribución a la conferencia

7687 Descargas (Pure)


The educational framework Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate (CDIO) is part of an international initiative that focuses on the model of how to teach engineering, which allows a standardization of competencies in engineering professionals. On the other hand, project-based learning (PBLr) allows students to simulate real contexts of their profession. These two education strategies allow for the creation of new teaching mechanisms that guarantee future professionals in biomedical engineering acquire skills to perform satisfactorily in their workplace.
The educational strategy used in this project is articulated through didactic exercises that are based on three main components. The first component is the implementation of the CDIO educational framework in each of the projects, linking it directly with the content of the subject. The second component is related to the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), technology currently classified as part of the fourth industrial revolution. Finally, the third component is EBPr, which is achieved because of to the design and implementation of laboratory practices structured in "real problems" that allow answer to meaningful learning and developing skills for professional life.
Likewise, the structure and content of a subject created under the name of "Internet of Things: Applications in Health" is presented in detail; which is taught in the undergraduate program of Biomedical Engineering of the Universidad del Rosario under an arrangement with the Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito.
In conclusion, the relationship between traditional models of education and new teaching initiatives in the field of engineering, in relation to the current needs of the labor market must be transformed. This, with the purpose of improving the critical thinking capacity oriented to the application and solution of real problems, allowing students to identify strengths and weaknesses according to the pedagogical strategy used by teachers in the teaching process and learning the IoT subject.
Idioma originalEspañol (Colombia)
Título de la publicación alojadaRetos en la formación de ingenieros en la era digital
Número de páginas9
EstadoPublicada - sep. 12 2019
EventoEncuentro Internacional de Educación en Ingeniería -EIEI- ACOFI 2019 - Centro de Convenciones Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia
Duración: sep. 10 2019sep. 13 2019


ConferenciaEncuentro Internacional de Educación en Ingeniería -EIEI- ACOFI 2019
Título abreviadoEIEI 2019
Dirección de internet

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  • Ingeniería biomédica

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