How to Improve Learning in Biomedical Engineering Students from an Integrated and Formative Evaluation

William Ricardo Rodríguez Dueñas

Producción científica: Capítulo en Libro/InformeContribución a la conferencia


Traditional evaluations of knowledge in engineering education usually focus on the assessments gathered by the teacher from different sources such as exams, essays and laboratory reports. However, this is a single actor’s point of view of a learning process: the teacher. The self-evaluation and feedback provided by classmates may also represent an important and useful contribution in at student’s learning process. This paper presents an integrated evaluation strategy that includes four equally important components: teacher evaluation, self-evaluation, peer evaluation and group work evaluation. A pilot study was carried out with 20 students taken the Biophysics 1 course offered by the Universidad del Rosario’s biomedical engineering program. Results reveal different performances within the groups, allowing the detection of cases where students showed difficulties. Furthermore, it demonstrates the importance of self-criticism and how to positively influence the learning process of others.

Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Título de la publicación alojada8th Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering and 42nd National Conference on Biomedical Engineering - Proceedings of CLAIB-CNIB 2019
EditoresCésar A. González Díaz, Christian Chapa González, Eric Laciar Leber, Hugo A. Vélez, Norma P. Puente, Dora-Luz Flores, Adriano O. Andrade, Héctor A. Galván, Fabiola Martínez, Renato García, Citlalli J. Trujillo, Aldo R. Mejía
Número de páginas6
ISBN (versión impresa)9783030306472
EstadoPublicada - 2020
Evento8th Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering and the 42nd National Conference on Biomedical Engineering, CLAIB-CNIB 2019 - Cancún, México
Duración: oct. 2 2019oct. 5 2019

Serie de la publicación

NombreIFMBE Proceedings
ISSN (versión impresa)1680-0737
ISSN (versión digital)1433-9277


Conferencia8th Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering and the 42nd National Conference on Biomedical Engineering, CLAIB-CNIB 2019

Áreas temáticas de ASJC Scopus

  • Bioingeniería
  • Ingeniería biomédica


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