Enhancing Telerehabilitation Using Wearable Sensors and AI-Based Machine Learning Methods

Sebastián Jaramillo-Isaza, Alberto López Delis, Edith Pulido Herrera, Andrès Felipe Ruiz-Olaya

Producción científica: Capítulo en Libro/InformeCapítuloInvestigación

2 Citas (Scopus)


Telerehabilitation, which focuses on providing rehabilitation services through information and communication technologies (ICTs), faces barriers and challenges that may limit its effectiveness. Delivering remote rehabilitation services using telephone or video calls may be insufficient for assessing patient progress. However, with the advent of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), wearable sensors, IoT medical devices, m-health, smartphone apps, and machine learning methods, new health systems could be envisioned to enhance the delivery of telerehabilitation. These technologies have the potential to improve health and the patient’s quality of life. Additionally, novel methods for engaging patients in therapy, such as computer and virtual reality games, are being developed to converge interactive physical and cognitive challenges aimed at enhancing rehabilitation processes. This chapter provides an overview of the barriers, challenges, and facilitators of telerehabilitation and identifies promising uses of AI to enhance the delivery of telerehabilitation. It also discusses emerging technologies, including wearable sensors, IoT and sensor-based, and video applications as tools for providing relevant data in the rehabilitation process.

Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Título de la publicación alojadaComputational Approaches in Bioengineering
Subtítulo de la publicación alojadaVolume 2: Computational Approaches in Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Applications
EditorialCRC Press
Número de páginas33
ISBN (versión digital)9781040008812
ISBN (versión impresa)9781032635255
EstadoPublicada - ene. 1 2024
Publicado de forma externa

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  • Ingeniería General
  • Bioquímica, Genética y Biología Molecular General
  • Ciencias Agrícolas y Biológicas General
  • Ciencias Ambientales General
  • Ciencia de la Computación General


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