Arhuaco indigenous women’s memories and the Colombian Truth Commission: methodological gaps and political tensions

Juliana González Villamizar, Angela Santamaria Chavarro, Dunen Muelas, Laura Maria Restrepo Acevedo , Paula Caceres

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículo de Investigaciónrevisión exhaustiva


The Truth, Peaceful Coexistence, and Non-Repetition Commission (CEV) is one of the transitional justice mechanisms contained in the peace agreement signed between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrilla in 2016. The CEV mainstreams gender and ethnic differential approaches and is also the first to actively deploy intersectionality as a framework to approach violence committed against women of ethnic groups. The article draws on a decolonial and intercultural perspective to analyze the challenges that the CEV faces to make visible Indigenous women’s experiences and agencies during the armed conflict. Based on participatory research conducted with Arhuaco women of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to produce a report to the CEV, the article shows the methodological gaps that exist between Arhuaco women’s approaches to memory and the Truth Commission’s methodological framework. The article also argues that the Commission’s strategy to confront political dynamics within Indigenous communities that marginalize women’s processes further deepens these gaps and contributes to invisibilize their voices in this scenario.
Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Páginas (desde-hasta)157-179
Número de páginas23
PublicaciónZeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
EstadoPublicada - ago. 31 2021

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