“Efeitos do confinamento social no funcionamento psicológico e perceção de espaço peri e interpessoal

  • Hernandez Jaramillo, Blanca Yaneth (Investigador principal)
  • Pinal Fernández, Diego (Investigador principal)

Proyecto: Proyecto de Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


The main aim of this study is to analyze how quarantine affects the regulation of interpersonal distance as measured by the peripersonal and interpersonal space and how this is related with psychopathological symptoms. Further, it will also be assessed how the duration of the quarantine as well as other characteristics of the quarantine experience (such as type of housing, work regime and family structure), health factors and alcohol consumption, history of mental disorders, as well as individual´s personality traits may mediate the relationship between social confinement, psychological functioning, and interpersonal and peripersonal space.

Descripción de Layman

To analyze how quarantine affects the regulation of interpersonal distance as measured by the peripersonal and interpersonal space and how this is related with psychopathological symptoms

Palabras clave

To analyze how quarantine affects the regulation of interpersonal distance as measured by the peripersonal and interpersonal space and how this is related with psychopathological symptoms

Compromisos / Obligaciones

Paper research and social knowledge network.
Título cortoConfinamiento COVID-19
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin3/30/207/1/20

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de las Naciones Unidas

En 2015, los estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas acordaron 17 Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS) globales para erradicar la pobreza, proteger el planeta y garantizar la prosperidad para todos. Este proyecto contribuye al logro de los siguientes ODS:

  • ODS 16: Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas

Fuente principal de financiación

  • Internacional


  • Europa

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