The world is facing challenges of an unprecedented, planetary, scale. Humanity stands beforethe inescapable necessity of adopting policies to fight climate change, to prevent pandemics,
to govern artificial intelligence, to supervise activities in outer space, to regulate
biotechnology, among many others. The institutions required for these tasks are not only
global in nature; they also have an epochal dimension––they are likely to impact the lives of
the various species inhabiting our planet for many years to come. These anthropocenic challenges bring a new sense of urgency to the debates about global democracy. As the regulation of these issues becomes inevitable, policy-makers around the world will be in need of scholarly guidance about the kind of institutions that are to be established, not only in terms of their effectiveness, but also of their legitimacy. The rich, existing literature on global democracy can (and must) constitute the starting point for this indispensable global conversation. Yet, much more needs to be studied, thought, said, and discussed.
To foster these conversations, we are convening a conference in Barcelona, on October 18-
20, 2023. The conference will be hybrid, though we hope many participants will come to
Barcelona and attend in person. We aim to stimulate discussion and reinvigorate the literature on global democracy, to establish common or shared research agendas, to identify theoretical and practical priorities of reform, and to settle the ground for bold and useful future contributions. The conference is a continuation of a number of initiatives we have taken in this field in the past, including several online seminars, a conference in Buenos Aires in 2019, and a hybrid workshop in Barcelona, last year.
Período | sep. 18 2023 → sep. 19 2023 |
Tipo de evento | Conferencia |
Ubicación | Barcelona, EspanaMostrar en mapa |
Grado de reconocimiento | Internacional |