title = "The genetics of the mimetic coloration in the butterfly Heliconius cydno weymeri",
author = "M. Linares and Markow, {T. A.}",
note = "Funding Information: From the Institute) de Genetlca, Universldad de los Andes, Calle 18 Carrera IE, Santafede Bogota, Colombia. The research was funded by National Science Foundation grants numbers 1NT-8610430 and INT-8918819 and by Fondo Colomblano de Investlgaclones Clentlficas y Proyectos Especlales Francisco Jose de Caldas COL-CIENCIAS (Colombia), grants CO-6220-05fl0387 and CO-6220-05-008-89. I want to thank the Institute Vallecau-cano de Investlgaclones Clenttficas INCIVA In Call, particularly F. Arango and L. E. Gilbert, for logistic support. Culture lacllltles were made possible by NSFDEB 790633 to L E. Gilbert, University of Texas at Austin. 1 also thank M. T. Almansa, J. Ayala, A. Barreto, S. Bramblett, K. Brown, E. Constantino, L. C. Garcia, L. P. Moreno, E. W. Schmldt-Mumm, M. Singer, C. D. Thomas, and R. Torres for helping me In various ways. A very special thanks to L E. Gilbert for teaching me a lot. My Institutional affiliations during the period this research was carried out were University of Texas at Austin (graduate student, 1983-1989), Fundacl6n Se-gunda Expedlclfjn Botinlca, Colombia (research associate, 1987 and 1990-92), Universldad Javeriana, Colombia flunlor faculty, 1990-1994), and Unlverst-dad de los Andes (Director of Genetics Institute, 1994 to the present) Copyright: Copyright 2017 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.",
year = "1996",
doi = "10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a022971",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "87",
pages = "142--149",
journal = "Journal of Heredity",
issn = "0022-1503",
publisher = "Oxford University Press",
number = "2",