Strategic Equilibrium for Cooperative Games: Solutions and Applications

Giovanni E. Reyes, Gabriel Turbay

Research output: Book/ReportBookResearch


The main purpose of this book is to introduce a theory of solutions for the n-person cooperative game through the simple case with 3-persons. It is intended to give the necessary background for readers, students and researchers in the quantitative and social sciences to enhance their theories and approaches with basic mathematical tools applied and developed for game theory analysis within a systems perspective.

Von Neumann and Morgenstern introduced the theory of games as the “proper instrument with which to develop a theory of economic behavior”. The snowballing development of game theory and its applications, in the last seventy years, has proven to be not only the proper instrument to develop a theory of economic behavior but the appropriate one for developing the theories for different types of interactive behavior as studied in political, social, environmental, biological, economic and behavioral sciences. Modeling examples of such applications are presented throughout the book.
Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Place of PublicationIllinois Estados Unidos
PublisherIndependently published Amazon Illinois
Number of pages155
ISBN (Print)979-8544094784
StatePublished - Jul 26 2021

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Social Sciences

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