Análisis cuantitativo de la investigación en salud, calidad de vida y enfermedad realizada en la ciudad de Bogotá durante los años 2010-2013: Estudio transversal-descriptivo

Translated title of the contribution: Quantitative Analysis of Research in Health, Quality of Life and Disease Made in Bogota City During the Years 2010-2013: Cross-Descriptive Study.

Fernando Juarez Acosta, Nohelia Hewitt Ramírez, Carlos Alfonso Avendano Trivino

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch Articlepeer-review


The aim was to identify, characterize and analyze the research carried out in Bogotá D.C., in the health, the quality of life and disease areas, during the period from January 2010 to December 2013. Through an investigation of descriptive and cross- documentary, were analyzed 1466 documents referring to published articles, Phd and masters thesis, medical specializations research and state documents generated by programs of postgraduate training, research groups, research centers, and health institutions. To collect the information, was validated and used a record form with 140 items, which was registered the formal aspects, related to the document description, methodology, results, discussion and recommendations. The descriptive and inferential analysis, show that the area that more has been investigated is the health (41 %) and the least has addressed is the quality of life (.2 %). The research approach has been more used is quantitative (54.3 %) and the type of is descriptive research (53.2 %). The products of research have been published in most Colombian Journal in the area of medicine (98.7 %). Only 1% has been done in Journal of the English language. There is a large diversity in research topics and very low consistency with the lines of research proposals for the agenda of Secretaría de Salud de Bogotá.
Translated title of the contributionQuantitative Analysis of Research in Health, Quality of Life and Disease Made in Bogota City During the Years 2010-2013: Cross-Descriptive Study.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)113 - 128
Number of pages16
JournalPsychologia. Avances De La Disciplina
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2015


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