La primera cédula de ciudadanía en Colombia (1929-1952) o el fracaso de una institución

Fernando Humberto Mayorga Garcia

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This article shows how, after a series of frustrated attempts, the union between the minority Liberal Party and a fraction of the Conservative Party led to the approval by the Colombian Congress in 1929 of a law that created the certificate of citizenship as a public document required for the act of voting. Fiscal difficulties prevented carring effect of the law, which could only be done contemporaneously in the beginning of the so-called Second Liberal Republic (1934-1946), in which the party of that name, at that time in power, mled without having its traditional adversary, which allowed the Conservative spokesmen promoted the idea that the identification processes undertaken by the Govemment excluded liberal supporters. The truth is that the identification processes advanced with multiple disabilities, who could not be corrected before. Only the issuance in 1948 of a new law, after the farnous "Bogotazo", created the modern Electoral Organization that, with taking elements of Chilean law, purged the Electoral Organization as a whole, putting it beyond the control of the parties and assigning the function of issuing the certificate of citizenship, which has done so today.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)955 - 986
Number of pages31
JournalRevista chilena de historia del derecho
Issue number22 (Tomo II)
StatePublished - 2010

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