Enfoque de derechos humanos en la política pública de discapacidad

Carlos Parra Dussan, María Teresa Palacios Sanabria

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The evolution of the concept of disability has moved from a biomedical focus to a human rightsfocus in the last years. The human rights focus regards people with disabilities’ individual features withrelation to their social, cultural y physical context. The interaction conditions between people and theircontext determines someone’s disability magnitude, as well as their family’s and the society’s disabilitymagnitude.This article will examine some issues object of debate among those who intent to build relationshipsbetween public policies, national and international development strategies and human rights internationallaw. Besides, it will analyze some points of view about the pertinence of a human rights focus inColombia social, cultural and political context.The social, economic and cultural context and Colombian international commitments press on tomake an effort to connect local and national policies, global tendencies of development and compliancewith human rights and humanitarian law in order to achieve a more comprehensive vision. It will allowsociety to confront and solve disability problems in a better way.The Disability Intervention National Program has its grounds in the following conceptual elements:Risk Social Management (RSM), which refers to the economic theory that supports a social protectionfocus. This last focus is the creation base of the Social Protection Office.In the field of disability, the discussion’s main question is whether policies should be build from aRMS focus or from a civilian participation focus, which is more compatible with the approach previousthe Conpes document In short, the human rights focus maintains individuals should be recognized, assumed and regardedas fundamental rights owners. Therefore, this focus’ development should be guided by people’s interestsby means of social management processes due to the fact they allow communities to participate andtake decisions about their own development.Human rights international law is a conceptual framework accepted by the international community,which is able to guide policies’ design, establishment and testing in the field of development. Furthermoreit can be a guideline for international assistance and cooperation related to people with disabilities.Colombia has signed some human rights and humanitarian treaties retated to disability, such as theInteramerican Convention on the elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against People withDisabilities, which constrains the estate to adopt administrative, political and judicial measures thatencourage the effective protection of people with disabilities’ rights.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)97 - 114
Number of pages17
JournalCivilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Issue number13
StatePublished - Jul 2008

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