Does University Education Develop Entrepreneurial Qualities

Sergio Andres Pulgarin Molina

Research output: Chapter in Book/InformChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


The main objective of this book is to analyze some of the major challenges of the world during the twenty-first century from a multidisciplinary perspective. Global problems do not always have a unique approach, and the study of these problems requires a research effort based on a rigorous and understandable methodology. From this idea, the works contained in each chapter demonstrate the existence of significant links between economics, politics and governance. This book is divided based on these three subjects. One part of the book contains a study of the global economic situation and its existing inequalities. From there, some challenges related to matters such as entrepreneurship and financial literacy will be addressed. On the other hand, political inequality and democratic shortcomings — along with the international geopolitical reality — are the common thread that tie together other chapters of the book. Both a national perspective and regional cross comparison are present within this book. Finally, different analyses related to governance complete the third block of this catalog. In this regard, the important influence that the economy and functioning policies have on the governance of states and decision making processes is noted. (Imprint: Nova)
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationEconomy, Politics And Governance Challenges For The 21st Century
PublisherNova Science Publishers
Pages65 - 83
Number of pages19
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-63484-019-4,
StatePublished - 2015


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