De la Estabilidad Laboral Relativa, ¿a la Estabilidad Laboral Absoluta? Estabilidad Laboral Reforzada en El Empleo. Segunda Edición

Adriana Camacho Ramirez, María Catalina Romero Ramos

Research output: Book/ReportBookResearch


In our legal system, special protection had beentraditionally granted to people in special conditions or circumstances, and thelaw expressly indicated in which cases or moments to proceed. At present, thereare additional manifestations of rights or protections for reinforced jobstability; although they are jurisprudentially (not legally) created, they mustbe applied with all rigor to deal with problems in legal practice, as well asinsecurity and confusion among employers. To analyze these new rights andrelated problems is the purpose of this investigation. The target audienceconsists of lawyers, judges, human resources personnel, teachers, students,and, in general, any employee. The study was developed using the inductivemethod; information was collected mainly from analyzing the most importantsentences on the discussed topics. These data were analyzed using the deductivemethod, in order to present current issues, mainly from a business perspective.In this work, we differentiate four new rights and create a relativelyhomogeneous structure for them; it begins with a normative framework, followedby an updated explanation of fundamental jurisprudence and its analysis, to endwith our reflections and conclusions on the development of these pronouncementsin practice.
Original languageSpanish
PublisherUniversidad del Rosario
ISBN (Print)9789587842913
StatePublished - 2019

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Law

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