Criterios de idoneidad psicológica para padres en proceso de adopción en Colombia y su validez a través de ecuaciones estructurales

Nora Helena Londoño Arredondo, Claudia Méndez Mejía, Fernando Juárez Acosta, Oscar Emilio Utria Rodríguez, Nohelia Hewitt Ramírez

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch Articlepeer-review


Objective: To establish a prediction model of the parents’ capacity to es-tablish safe links with minors, taking into account the criteria of parental suitability. Methodology: Participants: 40 men (average age 42 years, SD 4.76) and 40 women (average age 37.33 years, SD 4.79). Instruments:MCMI III and CUIDA. Results: The psychological characteristics that predict the ability of parents to establish safe links were the high tenden-cy in the CUIDA scores (except in aggressiveness) and the low tendency in the MCMI-III scores. To consider the MCMI-III as an inclusion / exclusion classificatory instrument and observing the influence of said instrument together with all the dimensions of the CUIDA in the suita-bility assignment, the model showed a good fit (χ2 = 2.906, p = 0.574, χ2 / gl = 0.726, FMIN = 0.037, F0 = 0.000, PCLOSE = 0.662, RMSEA = 0.000, ECVI = 0.315, GFI = 0.985, AGFI = 0.945), and an explained variance of suitability of 70%. Conclusions: There is a scarce relation be-tween the variables CUIDA and MCMI-III. The state of mental health can be considered one of the best indicators of classificatory character of inclusion / exclusion of suitability, and the variables of the CUIDA exer-cise an influence on the suitability so that they explain in a high degree the variance of it.
Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Pages (from-to)72-84
Number of pages13
JournalAnuario de Psicologia
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jul 22 2019

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Psychology
  • Psychiatry and Mental health
  • Clinical Psychology

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