Projects per year
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From the field to the stands: an analysis of land restitution in the life trajectory of women victims of the armed conflict in Colombia.
Quinche Ramirez, M. F., Peña Huertas, R. D. P. & Buchely Ibarra, L.
8/1/22 → 2/28/25
Project: Research Project
File -
Community property: the paradox of owning everything and owning nothing
Baquero-Melo, J. & Peña Huertas, R. D. P.
6/10/21 → 3/11/22
Project: Research Project
Research Program (Call connecting knowledge 2019- Minciencias) - Agrarian Conflicts, Armed Conflict and Institutions: Relationships, Interactions and Causalities.
Peña Huertas, R. D. P. & Gutiérrez, F.
8/28/20 → 8/27/23
Project: Research Project
JPREPPPST: Judges and rural property. The Missing Link in Public Land Policy
Peña Huertas, R. D. P., Quinche Ramirez, M. F. & Lopez Castro, Y. N.
4/1/19 → 12/15/21
Project: Research Project
Democratic inclusion through the courts
Peña Huertas, R. D. P., Parada Hernández, M. M. & Uribe Larrota, L. F.
3/26/19 → 9/26/19
Project: Research Project
CUIFDPT: Illicit crops and formalization of land rights: evaluation of public policies for a stable and lasting peace
Peña Huertas, R. D. P., Lopez Castro, Y. N., Romero, M. & Marin Jaramillo, M.
3/18/19 → 3/18/21
Project: Research Project
Formalization of agrarian property rights and (in)security: a two-way relationship?
Peña Huertas, R. D. P., Romero, M. & Acuña, F.
5/3/17 → 11/3/19
Project: Research Project
Assigning Agrarian Property Rights in Colombia: A Gender Analysis
10/15/15 → 4/30/17
Project: Research Project
Institutional and Regulatory Designs, Cadastre, Tax System, Notary and Registry and Property Relationship
1/21/13 → 1/20/17
Project: Research Project
Observatorio de restitución y regulación de derechos de propiedad agraria- Colciencias
1/21/13 → 1/20/18
Project: Research Project
Democratic inclusion through the courts: the case of the homoparental family
2/15/12 → 10/25/13
Project: Research Project