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Colombia and the WTO: analysis of the effects of international trade regulation on public policies
Tamayo Alvarez, R. A. & Urueña, R.
10/31/22 → 10/31/25
Project: Research Project
Challenges in Colombia regarding Human Rights and Business 2015 – 2025.
Prieto Rios, E. A., Varon Mejia, A. & Tamayo Alvarez, R. A.
7/1/16 → 7/1/25
Project: Research Project
The law of protracted conflict: bridging the gap between humanitarian aid and development.
Cortes Nieto, J. D. P., Gomez Rey, A., Tamayo Alvarez, R. A. & Rodríguez Morales, A.
10/1/20 → 1/31/23
Project: Research Project