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Lifestyle and mental health trajectories in university students: Study protocol of the UNILIFE-M multicenter, prospective, nested case-control study
Trompetero Gonzalez, A. C., Ramos C, D. M., Cano, J. F., Guarin, L. & Barreto Schuch, F.
11/15/23 → 11/30/28
Project: Research Project
Toxoplasmosis and its association with schizophrenia: phenotypic and immunological description.
De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A. & Cano, J. F.
8/31/23 → 3/31/26
Project: Research Project
TME: Established Mental Disorder Program, impact and response of structured interventions in a population of patients in Bogota, Colombia.
Cordoba Rojas, R. N., Saavedra, M. P., Cano, J. F., Alzate, M., Bermeo, E., Cubillos, N. & Gamboa, C.
1/1/18 → 1/1/28
Project: Research Project