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Testing for spatial market integration: Evidence for Colombia using a pair-wise approach
Otero Cardona, J. G. & Iregui, A. M.
Project: Other project
Unit root tests based on forward and reverse Dickey-Fuller regressions
Otero Cardona, J. G. & Baum, C. F.
Project: Research Project
Climbing the property ladder: An analysis of market integration in London property prices
Otero Cardona, J. G., Holmes, M. J. & Panagiotidis, T.
Project: Other project
An analysis of the efficiency of economic analysts' forecast revision in times of pandemic: The case of the international oil price.
4/1/22 → 3/14/23
Project: Research Project
Macroeconomic and institutional aspects of the causes and consequences of informality
Jaramillo Mejía, F., Gallego Acevedo, J. M., Guataqui Roa, J. C., Arguello Cuervo, L. R., Otero Cardona, J. G. & Sepulveda Rico, C. E.
10/1/18 → 9/30/22
Project: Research Project
EFI- fortalecimiento.: Strategy for strengthening: Institutions, communities and territory.
Sepulveda Rico, C. E., Aldana Serrano, A. M., Jaramillo Salazar, H. D. J., Mantilla Ribero, C. A., Chalela, S., Batz Liñeiro, A., Mogollón-Pérez, A. S., Garcia Suaza, A. F., Cortes Cortes, D. F., Anzola Pinzon, D. E., Aycinena Abascal, D., Otero Cardona, J. G., Gomez de los Rios, F. A., Jaramillo Mejía, F., Cespedes Baez, L. M., Montes De La Barrera, J. O., Silva Ardila, D., Torres Arroba, F. J., Munoz Martinez, F. M., Gauthier Umana, V. E., Onate Acosta, T. M., Saavedra Pineda, S., Sautua, S. I., Buitrago Rubiano, R. E., Mendez Romero, R. A., Rodriguez Lesmes, P. A., Acosta Restrepo, P., Larrota Veloza, O. J., Gomez Cruz, N. A., Rodriguez Acosta, M. A., Blanco, M., Botero Ospina, M. E., Prada Uribe, M. A., Cortina Roa, L. A., Gutierrez Ramirez, L. H., Serrano Cárdenas, L. F., Ordóñez, J. T., Vargas Duque, J. F., Perez Bernal, J. F., Guataqui Roa, J. C., Jaramillo Salazar, H. D. J., Ternera Barrios, F. J., Gomez de los Rios, F. A. & Lopez Peña, N.
9/14/18 → 9/14/23
Project: Research Project
Construction of a database of prices and characteristics of housing in Colombia
Otero Cardona, J. G. & Cárdenas, J.
3/6/17 → 8/31/18
Project: Research Project
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Estimation of Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock Unit Root Test Response Surface Models (1996)
7/15/16 → 1/15/17
Project: Research Project
Market Integration and the Law of the Single Price: An Analysis for the World Oil Market
5/1/14 → 10/28/14
Project: Research Project
Estimation of response surface models of the unit root test of Kapetanians, Shin and Snell (2003)".
2/1/13 → 2/14/14
Project: Research Project
Wage Behavior of the Public Sector in Colombia: A Convergence Analysis.
4/15/10 → 10/14/10
Project: Research Project
Contrast of Seasonal Unit Roots in Heterogeneous Panels using Monthly Data
10/1/06 → 4/24/07
Project: Research Project