Projects per year
- 1,500 - 1,550 out of 1,762 results
Search results
Cinematographic narratives of the Colombian armed conflict; 2007 ¿ 2009
Ruiz Moreno, S. L.
7/1/07 → 7/31/09
Project: Research Project
Political-electoral dynamics in paramilitary control zones.
Hoyos Gomez, D. R.
7/1/07 → 12/15/09
Project: Research Project
Non-traditional methodological strategies for the teaching of basic sciences
Del Riesgo Prendes, L., Garzon Fernandez, R. E., Ondo Mendez, A. O., Pinzon Daza, M. L. & Castillo Rivera, F.
7/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Dialogue between the social sciences.
Hensel Riveros, F. D.
6/30/07 → 6/30/08
Project: Research Project
Design and execution of the course "Conciliation in Environmental Matters" and directed to twenty (20) public servants of the DAMA.
Londono Toro, B. S.
5/1/07 → 7/16/07
Project: Research Project
Non-classical factors associated with breast cancer
Pedraza Flechas, A. M., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Pérez-Gómez, B. & Pollán, M.
5/1/07 → 12/30/21
Project: Research Project
Bolivarian Missions, a more humane and integral conception of social policy?
Ramos Pismataro, F., Rodriguez Duran, R. F. & Otálvaro, A.
4/1/07 → 3/31/08
Project: Research Project
Detection of telomerase during in vitro differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells in cardiomyocytes
4/1/07 → 9/30/08
Project: Research Project
003015 - Economía de la política social: Effect of Educational Competition on the Quality of Public Schools in Bogotá
Guerra Forero, J. A.
4/1/07 → 1/18/08
Project: Research Project
Identity, economy and politics in India: elements that profile it as a 21st century power.
Serrano Lopez, E. & Baquero, R. A.
3/3/07 → 5/4/09
Project: Research Project
Towards a new definition of the concept of public policy
Velasquez Gavilanes, R.
2/1/07 → 1/30/08
Project: Research Project
Narratives of oneself and stories of the homeland. Autobiographical Stories in the Colombian 19th Century
Chaparro Amaya, A.
1/1/07 → 12/30/07
Project: Research Project
News of the Continental System in Colombia
Mantilla Espinosa, F.
1/1/07 → 1/1/15
Project: Research Project
Clinical, paraclinical, and genetic predictors of response to anti-inflammatory therapy in pediatric patients with mild persistent asthma
Mateus Arbelaez, H. E.
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Analysis of polymorphisms of the Beta 2 Receptor Adrenergic Gene in Colombian patients affected by Cystic Fibrosis.
Mateus Arbelaez, H. E.
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Identification of Hemophilia A carriers through the use of STRs
Silva Aldana, C. T.
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Identification of a common genetic susceptibility profile for autoimmune diseases
Anaya, J. M.
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Analysis of Polymorphisms in LTC4 in a sample of pediatric patients with asthma and healthy controls in the city of Bogota.
Mateus Arbelaez, H. E.
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Who are the peasants today Observatory of identities, practices and policies in rural Colombia?
Rodriguez Jimenez, N. M. M.
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Establishment, maintenance and estimation of reproductive parameters of Lucila sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and use of larvae in the treatment of wounds in different animal species.
Bello Garcia, F. J.
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Democratic Security and the quality of democracy in Colombia: the case of the first administracion of Alvaro Uribe (2002-2006)
Chaparro Amaya, A.
1/1/07 → 1/1/13
Project: Research Project
National Plan for the Prevention of Osteomuscular Injuries of Professional Origin
1/1/07 → 12/1/07
Project: Research Project
The Effectiveness of the Incident of Insult in the Sentences of Guardianship of the Judges of Bogotá D.C. Medellín, Cali and Neiva. Case Characterization Analysis 2005-2006
Londono Toro, B. S.
1/1/07 → 12/1/07
Project: Research Project
Social and legal impact of collective rights protection mechanisms
Londono Toro, B. S.
1/1/07 → 1/12/09
Project: Research Project
Projections of the guarantee regime in Colombia
Martinez Cardenas, B. M.
1/1/07 → 1/1/15
Project: Research Project
Molecular analysis of Colombian families with patients affected by acid glucosidase deficiency (pompe disease).
Mateus Arbelaez, H. E.
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Genetics, Genomics and the transformation of medicine. The case of rare diseases
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
Research in Chromosomopathies: Molecular and cytogenetic analysis. Years 2007-2009
Silva Aldana, C. T.
1/1/07 → 12/31/09
Project: Research Project
Identification of point mutations in the beta globin gene in patients affected by beta thalassemia
1/1/07 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project
The reality of real rights
Ternera Barrios, F. J. & Onate Acosta, T. M.
11/1/06 → 12/31/17
Project: Research Project
Contrast of Seasonal Unit Roots in Heterogeneous Panels using Monthly Data
10/1/06 → 4/24/07
Project: Research Project
The Contractor Shall Furnish Gs/Oas With The Product Or Service (The Work) Described In The Terms Of Reference.
Cardona Madariaga, D. F.
9/11/06 → 9/29/06
Project: Research Project
Strategic sectorial analysis in Pereira and the possible impact of the FTA -univ. Tecnológica de Pereira, October-December
9/1/06 → 11/30/06
Project: Research Project
Environmental conflicts in Colombian indigenous territories since the 1991 Political Constitution.
Rodriguez, G. A.
8/1/06 → 2/28/18
Project: Research Project
Hispanidades:study on Hispanic traditions and political identities
Torregroza Lara, E. J., Garcia Florez, M. D. R., Constain Croce, J. E. & Serrano Lopez, E.
2/2/06 → 12/31/07
Project: Research Project
Recent State Transformations in Latin America
Chaparro Amaya, A.
2/1/06 → 6/30/07
Project: Research Project
Venezuelan foreign policy in the era of Chávez: a conjunctural, historical and prospective look. Ver detalles
Ramos Pismataro, F. & Billorou, J.
2/1/06 → 1/31/07
Project: Research Project