Activities per year
- 37 results
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When Voters Leave: A demand-driven explanation of the rise of populism
Silvia Alejandra Otero Bahamon (Organizer)
May 17 2024Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
The Micro-foundations of peace: Implementation and attitudes towards Colombia¿s peace agreement
Silvia Alejandra Otero Bahamon (Organizer)
Jan 18 2024Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Decentralization and Subnational Inequality in Colombia¿s Education
Silvia Alejandra Otero Bahamon (Organizer)
May 20 2024Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Dependent Elites. The Role of Elite-citizenship Linkages in Inequality Reduction at the City Level¿.
Silvia Alejandra Otero Bahamon (Organizer)
May 25 2023Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
¿Racionalidad rodolfista y encanto populista¿.
Silvia Alejandra Otero Bahamon (Organizer)
Jun 9 2023Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Panel: Análisis de Política Exterior: una aproximación desde Colombia
Maria Catalina Monroy Hernandez (Speaker)
Sep 13 2023Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Los Retos en la Conservación de Especies en el Paisaje
Carlos Humberto Valderrama Ardila (Speaker)
Nov 8 2023 → Nov 9 2023Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Carlos Humberto Valderrama Ardila (Speaker)
Oct 4 2023 → Oct 6 2023Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Alimentación, salud y sociedad. Narrativas complementarias a la historiografía de la medicina de la primera mitad del siglo XX en América Latina
Stefan Pohl Valero (Organizer)
2023Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
El programa Punto IV en Colombia y los orígenes locales del “desarrollo comunitario” internacional, 1937-1960
Stefan Pohl Valero (Organizer)
2023Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Paper: Ciudades desiguales. Caminos diferentes hacia la reducción de la desigualdad en las ciudades intermedias de Colombia.
Silvia Alejandra Otero Bahamon (Organizer)
Oct 12 2023Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
María Viviana Granados León (Speaker)
Oct 23 2023 → Oct 25 2023Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Edge Effect on the Diversity of Spiders Present in a Severely Fragmented Tropical Dry Forest Remanants i Southwestern Colombia
Carlos Humberto Valderrama Ardila (Speaker)
Jul 10 2022 → Jul 14 2022Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
La educación femenina, una lucha permanente
Mery Castillo (Keynote speaker)
Nov 2022Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Caracterización del hábitat y microhábitat de esquizómidos (Arachnida: Schizomida) en bosques altoandinos de la Sabana de Bogotá
Carlos Humberto Valderrama Ardila (Speaker)
Jul 11 2022 → Jul 13 2022Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
La “anarquía” de la leche. Ciencia, calidades e infraestructuras alimentarias. Bogotá, 1930-1950
Stefan Pohl Valero (Organizer)
2021Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Angela Martinez Rodriguez (Keynote speaker), Alexie Vallejo Silva (Speaker) & Diana Lucia Matallana Eslava (Speaker)
Oct 18 2021 → Oct 21 2021Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Abordajes de la salud colectiva en perspectivas históricas
Stefan Pohl Valero (Organizer)
2021Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Envejecimiento en el trabajo: reflexiones sobre el presente, el futuro y los retos para las organizaciones
Juan Gabriel Ocampo Palacio (Assessor) & María Carrillo Lacouture (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Experimental design vocal health and voice disorder prevention program aimed at fitness instructors, sports and/or dance teachers by remote access.
Gleidy Vanessa Espitia Rojas (Invited speaker) & Angelica Georgina Martínez Rengifo (Invited speaker)
Mar 19 2021Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Characterization of the vocal profile in singers in Bogota in the current situation by the Covid-19: Preliminary study
Gleidy Vanessa Espitia Rojas (Organizer) & Ana Piedad Morales Mora (Speaker)
Mar 19 2021Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Webinario: Retos en la implementación de fallos emblemáticos en defensa del ambiente
Andres Gomez Rey (Invited speaker)
Jan 21 2021Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Design of an experimental program of vocal and communicative well-being in call center workers
Gleidy Vanessa Espitia Rojas (Speaker) & Ana María Ovalle Rincón (Keynote speaker)
Mar 19 2021Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
“A device invented and used with success in the Western Hemisphere”. Los Servicios interamericanos de cooperación técnica y las políticas de salud y alimentación en Colombia, 1942-1963
Stefan Pohl Valero (Organizer)
2021Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Simposio: “Discapacidad auditiva y psiquiatría: el punto de encuentro entre el sordo y el psiquiatra.”
Angela Martinez Rodriguez (Speaker), Marilyn Sierra Enemisca (Speaker) & Carlos Alberto Felizzola Donado (Speaker)
Oct 25 2020Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Expresión de emociones y esquizofrenia: programa piloto de tratamiento a partir del análisis acústico y la tecnología de asistencia.
Angela Martinez Rodriguez (Speaker), Alexie Vallejo Silva (Speaker), Estefania Garcia Paredes (Organizer) & William Ricardo Rodriguez Duenas (Organizer)
Oct 20 2020Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
The Inter-American Cooperative Health Service, the Instituto Nacional de Nutrición and the “technocratization” of the nutrition problem in Colombia, 1940-1960
Stefan Pohl Valero (Organizer)
2019Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Entre punto y punto todo comunica.
Gleidy Vanessa Espitia Rojas (Speaker), Rocio Stella Molina Bejar (Invited speaker) & Lina Alejandra Gómez Alvarez (Invited speaker)
Oct 17 2019 → Oct 18 2019Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Defining Colombia’s Nutritional Problem in the early Cold War: Science, Public Health and Development Politics and Policies, 1940-1950
Stefan Pohl Valero (Organizer)
Oct 18 2019Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Effect of oxytocin on public singing simulation test with professional singers
Gleidy Vanessa Espitia Rojas (Invited speaker), Lilian Aguiar-Ricz (Invited speaker), Flavia de Lima Osorio (Invited speaker) & Jair Lício dos Santos (Invited speaker)
Mar 19 2019Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
El lenguaje de las elecciones: Votamos sobre propuestas racionales o basados en las emociones?
Angela Martinez Rodriguez (Speaker) & Andrea Romero (Speaker)
Sep 6 2018Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
El arte y el lenguaje visual como reflejo de la mente
Angela Martinez Rodriguez (Speaker) & Ana María Torres Montero (Speaker)
Sep 7 2018Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Disfagia orofaríngea en población adulta mayor colombiana: análisis secundario encuesta SABE Colombia
Angela Martinez Rodriguez (Speaker), Diego Andrés Chavarro-Carvajal (Speaker), Carlos Alberto Cano (Speaker) & Luis Carlos Venegas (Speaker)
Sep 7 2018Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Composición narrativa en personas sordas adultas. Comparación entre ELE y LSC.
Angela Martinez Rodriguez (Speaker), Rocio Stella Molina Bejar (Speaker), Deissy Milena Garcia Garcia (Speaker) & Marilyn Sierra Enemisca (Speaker)
Sep 7 2018Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Evaluación del lenguaje en el diagnóstico del trastorno neurocognitivo mayor: revisión sistemática
Angela Martinez Rodriguez (Speaker), Deissy Milena Garcia Garcia (Speaker) & Jennifer Londoño (Speaker)
Sep 7 2018Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation
Producción escrita y discapacidad visual. Procesadores de texto vs Braille.
Angela Martinez Rodriguez (Speaker), Mariana Guerrero Tellez (Speaker), Deissy Milena Garcia Garcia (Speaker) & Alejandra Ramirez (Speaker)
Nov 3 2017Activity: Talk types › Oral presentation