Projects per year
Search results
trengthening of the Intercultural Indigenous Health System SISPI in indigenous communities in the department of Vaupés and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Casallas Murillo, A. L., Cortina Roa, L. A., Orjuela Cañón, A. D., Buitrago Medina, D. A., Latorre Santos, C., Cortes Garcia, C. M., Rodriguez Ibague, L. F. & Tovar-Romero, H. V.
12/1/24 → 11/30/28
Project: Research Project
Ocular Autoimmune Systemic Inflammatory Infectious Study (OASIS) 1.0 and 2.0
De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A. & Agrawal, R.
9/14/24 → 9/14/26
Project: Research Project
Biomarkers in Autoimmunity - BIOMA - Phase II
Ramirez Santana, H. C., Acosta Ampudia, Y. Y., Monsalve Carmona, D. M., Rodriguez Jimenez, M. M. D. P., Rojas Quintana, M. E. & Bernal-Macías, S.
8/1/24 → 7/31/29
Project: Research Project
Representations of illness and death in children's cancer stories
Palacios Espinosa, X. & Vera Marquez, A. V.
8/1/24 → 7/30/26
Project: Research Project
Integrated strategy for the development of maintenance activities at CENTELSA to mitigate the risks of hazardous energy treatment.
5/1/24 → 5/31/25
Project: Innovation Project
Kinematics data acquisition and analysis of human gait using sensorics, markerless systems, and artificial intelligence
Jaramillo-Isaza, S., Orjuela Cañón, A. D., Aguia Rojas, K., Jimenez Hernandez, M. F., López , J. A., Agredo Rodríguez , W. & Martínez, D. X.
4/8/24 → 4/7/25
Project: Research Project
Design and implementation of an algorithm for the academic follow-up of medical-surgical specialisation students.
3/1/24 → 8/31/25
Project: Research Project
Exclusive and continued breastfeeding during the five-year period 2018-2022 in the city of Bogota
Molano Gonzalez, N. & Pedraza Flechas, A. M.
2/21/24 → 8/21/25
Project: Research Project
Nanotechnology applied to tumor sensitization: An approach to nanomedicine.
Ondo Mendez, A. O., Mena, H., Caicedo Ramirez, J. A., Palacio, J. M., Van, M., Lequizamón , V., Bello , L. M., Baquero , K. & Rodriguez Burbano, D. C.
1/15/24 → 11/30/25
Project: Research Project
Evaluation of nutritional status and neurodevelopment in children in kindergartens in a neighbourhood of Bogotá, Colombia
Talero Gutierrez, C., Diaz Quiroz, M. A., Tovar-Romero, H. V., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Ramirez-Guerrero, S. & Velez van Meerbeke, A.
11/29/23 → 12/29/25
Project: Research Project
Torres Narvaez, M. R., Pardo Oviedo, J. M., Casallas Murillo, A. L., Saldana Medina, C. D., Rodriguez Grande, E. I., Forero Nieto, S. L., Baez Pastrana, L., Penagos Novoa, C. A. & Reina Giraldo, D. M.
11/22/23 → 12/22/26
Project: Research Project
Multiomic Approach to the Study of Autoimmune Diseases
Ramirez Santana, H. C., Acosta Ampudia, Y. Y., Monsalve Carmona, D. M., Rodriguez Jimenez, M. M. D. P. & Rojas Quintana, M. E.
11/20/23 → 11/20/28
Project: Research Project
Lifestyle and mental health trajectories in university students: Study protocol of the UNILIFE-M multicenter, prospective, nested case-control study
Trompetero Gonzalez, A. C., Ramos C, D. M., Cano, J. F., Guarin, L. & Barreto Schuch, F.
11/15/23 → 11/30/28
Project: Research Project
Therapeutic effect of cannabinoid extracts (native) on oxidative stress and neurodegeneration in C. elegans
Gonzalez Reyes, R. E., Nava Mesa, M. O. & Mantilla Galindo, A.
11/2/23 → 11/2/25
Project: Research Project
Arbovirosis and transfusion safety: an analysis of the current situation in 4 geographic regions of Colombia.
Coronel, C., Calvo, E. P., Castellanos, J. E., Delgado, F. G., Camacho, S. J., López, L. S., Urbina, A., Cáceres, B. A. & Rodriguez, A. N.
9/2/23 → 9/2/26
Project: Research Project
Toxoplasmosis and its association with schizophrenia: phenotypic and immunological description.
De la Torre Cifuentes, L. A. & Cano, J. F.
8/31/23 → 3/31/26
Project: Research Project
Pedagogical qualification process of educational agents of childen from 3 to 5 year old by educational web platform: Content validation and piloting.
Ortiz Munoz, J. A. & Cerchiaro Ceballos, E. L.
8/1/23 → 2/28/25
Project: Research Project
Descriptive cross-sectional observational study of Angelman Syndrome - FAST LatAm
Velez van Meerbeke, A. & Gómez Carvajal, A. M.
7/1/23 → 12/25/25
Project: Research Project
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Strategy for the generation of new knowledge and the promotion of educational innovation in early childhood and pre-school education
Avila, A. I., Vera Marquez, A. V., Palacios Mora, L. M., Cardenas Alvarado, L., Acuña Agudelo, M. P., Bohórquez Agudelo, L., López Rodriguez, N. M., Marín Hine, S., Osorio Valdés, L. M., Torres Jaimes, S. M., Jiménez Lizarazo, E. C., Aldana Afanador, P. N., Silva, L., Ramírez Parra, C. F., Hurtado Alzate, M. A. & Sosa Neira, E. A.
3/10/23 → 9/10/25
Project: Research Project
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Development of a multimodal interface for the effective implementation of smart walkers in gait assistance scenarios in older adults.
Jimenez Hernandez, M. F., Cifuentes García, C. A., Aguia Rojas, K., González Rodríguez, D. F. & Torres Narvaez, M. R.
2/20/23 → 2/20/25
Project: Research Project
Determination of the mutational spectrum of genes related to the molecular etiology of gliomas in a sample of Colombian patients.
Fonseca Mendoza, D. J., Contreras Bravo, N. C., Velandia Hurtado, F. A., CHINCHILLA, A. & echeverria, O.
1/1/23 → 7/1/26
Project: Research Project
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Comprehensive Care of chronic patients within the framework of the Comprehensive Route of Cardio-Cerebro-Vascular and Metabolic Care.
Torres Narvaez, M. R., Mogollón-Pérez, A. S., Rodriguez Grande, E. I., Forero Nieto, S. L., Ramos C, D. M., ESPINOSA ARANZALES, A. F., Palacios Espinosa, X., Gutierréz Cáceres, C. M., Pardo Oviedo, J. M., Torres Garzón, M. F., Hernandez Gonzalez, M., Quintana Forero, R. V., Reyes Castaño, N. P. & Casallas Murillo, A. L.
11/9/22 → 12/12/25
Project: Research Project
The voluntary interruption of pregnancy in Colombia: Dialogue between Bioethics, Biolaw and Public Health.
10/11/22 → 2/28/25
Project: Research Project
Impact of COVID-19 on pulmonary function, physical function and quality of life at six months in surviving patients who required intensive care unit and proposal of a comprehensive rehabilitation program.
Rodriguez Grande, E. I., Medina Velásquez, Y. F., Soler Esparragoza, F. G., Vargas Pinilla, O. C. & Espitia Rojas, G. V.
2/1/22 → 2/28/25
Project: Research Project
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Functional genomics for the description of mutations in the molecular diagnosis of sporadic breast cancer in the Colombian population.
Restrepo Fernandez, C. M., Mantilla, W., Ortega Recalde, O. J., Contreras Bravo, N. C., sierra, D., Cabrera Perez, R., Fonseca Mendoza, D. J., Morel, A., Angulo Aguado, M. & abaunza, C.
2/1/22 → 6/18/27
Project: Research Project
Application of a translational model for the control of Post-COVID Syndrome.
Anaya, J. M., Monsalve Carmona, D. M., Ramirez Santana, H. C., Acosta Ampudia, Y. Y., Rojas Quintana, M. E. & Rodriguez Velandia, Y. A.
12/15/21 → 12/15/25
Project: Research Project
Implication of polygenic risk on platelet reactivity in patients with acute coronary syndrome treated with clopidogrel.
Fonseca Mendoza, D. J., Ortega Recalde, O. J., Cabrera Perez, R., Morel, A., Contreras Bravo, N. C., Calderon Ospina, C. A., Murcia Soriano, L. F. & echeverria, O.
11/10/21 → 6/20/25
Project: Research Project
Strengthening the surveillance and diagnosis capacity of fungal diseases in Colombia.
Duarte, C., Escandón, P., Gomez Giraldo, B. L. & Rúa, Á.
9/30/21 → 9/29/26
Project: Research Project
Assessing the Impact of Video Remote Sign Language Interpreting in Healthcare: Linking Disability Studies with Empirical Challenges of Public Health Research.
Martinez Rodriguez, A., Rivas, M. & Cruz Reyes, D. L.
9/1/21 → 8/31/25
Project: Research Project
Connecting Three Worlds: Socialism, Medicine and Global Health after WWII
Pohl Valero, S. & Suarez Diaz, E. M.
9/1/21 → 6/30/26
Project: Research Project
Equity LA Cancer: Improving equity in access to early diagnosis of cancer: implementation research in different healthcare systems of Latin America.
Mogollón-Pérez, A. S., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Vázquez Navarrere, M. L., Vargas Lorenzo, I. M., Eguiguren, P., Rubio , M., Torres, A. L., Diaz, S., Smith Jervelund, S. & Casallas Murillo, A. L.
5/1/21 → 4/30/26
Project: Research Project
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Implementation of an e-health strategy for the screening and health education of post-Covid patients from an interdisciplinary approach.
Ramos C, D. M., Mancera-Soto, E. M., Trompetero Gonzalez, A. C., Camargo Rojas , D. A., Carreño Moreno, S. P., Vargas Pinilla, O. C., Chaparro Díaz, O. L., Garcia Laguna, D. G., AKLI SERPA, L., Pinzón Espitia, O. L., Guerrero Orjuela, L. S., Beltrán Rojas, J. C., Neira Torres, L. I., Puentes Vega, I. E., Tordecilla Sanders, M. A. & Forero Nieto, S. L.
3/1/21 → 2/28/25
Project: Research Project
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Evaluation of a molecular and immunological test for the diagnosis of histoplasmosis (Protocol 4250)
Gomez Giraldo, B. L., Clay, O. K., Cáceres, D. H., Chiller, T., Tobón, Á. M., Restrepo, A., López, L. F., Lindsley, M., Samayoa, B. & Arathoon, E.
1/1/21 → 12/31/26
Project: Research Project
Functional genomics for the description of mutations in the molecular diagnosis of sporadic colon and rectal cancer in a Colombian population.
Fonseca Mendoza, D. J., Morel, A., Restrepo Fernandez, C. M., Ortega Recalde, O. J., Cabrera Perez, R., echeverria, O., Angulo-Aguado, M., sierra, D. & sanchez, J.
1/1/21 → 6/13/25
Project: Research Project
Towards a redefinition of self-medication: literature review with systematic search for definitions of the phenomenon.
Perez Acosta, A. M., Calderon Ospina, C. A. & Soler Esparragoza, F. G.
1/1/21 → 12/31/25
Project: Research Project
Macroproject of Basic Research in Molecular Biology and Immunology
Patarroyo Gutierrez, M. A., Suárez Martínez, C. F., Díaz Arevalo, D., Moreno Perez, D. A., Arevalo Pinzon, G., Rodriguez Lopez, E. A. & Pineda Peña, A. C.
4/4/19 → 12/30/25
Project: Research Project
Determination of metabolomic profiles of radio-sensitivity and optimization of radiotherapy using nanoparticles in thyroid and glioma tumors: a translational approach.
Ondo Mendez, A. O., Pourcher, T., Sevilla-Moreno, A. C., Alejo-Martinez, H., Quintero-Mejía, P. & Rodriguez Burbano, D. C.
3/20/19 → 7/18/26
Project: Research Project
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Transdisciplinary programme of comparative and transnational historical studies of medicine and public health in Latin America, from 1767 to the present day.
Quevedo Velez, E., Cortes Garcia, C. M., Gomez Cordoba, A. I., Negrete Martinez, M. J., Hernandez Alvarez, M. E., Pohl Valero, S., Garcia Lopez, C. M., Vera Marquez, A. V., MacIas Angel, B. D. P., Casallas Murillo, A. L., Zea Arias, A. P., Perez Acosta, A. M., Latorre Santos, C. & Rodas Chaves, G.
8/1/18 → 3/12/26
Project: Research Project
Analysis of genetic variants potentially related to interindividual variability in response to drugs in wide clinical use.
Laissue Hormaza, P., Fonseca Mendoza, D. J., Contreras Bravo, N. C., Calderon Ospina, C. A. & echeverria, O.
3/15/18 → 12/17/27
Project: Research Project
Genomic correlates of virulence and morphological phase transitions in pathogenic Onygenales fungi
Clay, O. K., Gomez Giraldo, B. L., McEwen Ochoa, J. G., Misas, E., Muñoz, J. F., Cuomo, C. A. & Gómez, Ó.
2/14/18 → 12/31/26
Project: Research Project
TME: Established Mental Disorder Program, impact and response of structured interventions in a population of patients in Bogota, Colombia.
Cordoba Rojas, R. N., Saavedra, M. P., Cano, J. F., Alzate, M., Bermeo, E., Cubillos, N. & Gamboa, C.
1/1/18 → 1/1/28
Project: Research Project
Characterization of mortality due to penetrating cardiac trauma in the city of Bogotá 2007-2017
Isaza-Restrepo, A. & Pinzon Rondon, A. M.
1/17/06 → …
Project: Research Project