Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 673 results
Search results
Between artefacts and critical decisions, reflections on the purposes of high quality accreditation in occupational therapy: A scoping review.
Garzón Diaz, K. & Castillo Martinez, J. A.
7/30/24 → 10/30/24
Project: Research Project
Dissemination of the scientific basis of physical exercise on mental and physical health in children and adults.
Ramos C, D. M., Tordecilla Sanders, M. A. & Trompetero Gonzalez, A. C.
5/1/24 → 9/30/24
Project: Consultancy project
Evaluación del potencial uso de nanopartículas fluorescentes a base de carbono como agentes fotosensibilizadores para terapia fotodinámica en el tratamiento de células cancerosas de piel
Rodriguez Burbano, D. C., Fonthal Rico, F., Ondo Mendez, A. O., Calvo Echeverry, P. C. & Campo, O. I.
1/25/24 → 1/24/25
Project: Research Project
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Performance verification (secondary validation) of the real-time molecular PCR (RT-qPCR) test on the Vivalytic One®* (Vivalytic SARS-CoV-2) platform for point-of-care (POC) detection of SARS-CoV-2.
Cabrera Perez, R., Fonseca Mendoza, D. J. & Restrepo Fernandez, C. M.
1/15/24 → 6/17/24
Project: Research Project
Artificial Intelligence Model-Based Patient Movement Analysis for clinical setting
Martinez Rodriguez, A., Perdomo Charry, O. J., Orjuela Cañón, A. D., Vallejo Silva, A., Irreño, J. & Barrero, J. A.
12/15/23 → 12/15/24
Project: Research Project
Large-scale genetic analysis for the identification of molecular variants potentially related to the course of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, a multicentre study in a Colombian population.
Ortiz Salas, P. A., Velez van Meerbeke, A., Fonseca Mendoza, D. J. & Botero Meneses, J. S.
11/1/23 → 10/31/24
Project: Research Project
Artificial Intelligence Applied to Transcription and Pause Analysis for Clinical Linguistic Analysis.
Orjuela Cañón, A. D., Martinez Rodriguez, A., Jimenez Hernandez, M. F. & Castaneda Uribe, O. A.
11/1/23 → 11/1/24
Project: Research Project
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Coco an interactive tool to support decision making on contraception among adolescents and young women in Colombia
Castillo Martinez, J. A. & Rivera Largacha, S. M. A.
11/1/23 → 6/30/24
Project: Consultancy project
Efficacy of antioxidant-based pharmacological therapies in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review
10/3/23 → 12/10/24
Project: Research Project
A cultural approach to child development in Latin American Indigenous Communities
Talero Gutierrez, C., Diaz Quiroz, M. A., Ramirez-Guerrero, S., Velez van Meerbeke, A. & Cortes Garcia, C. M.
10/1/23 → 10/1/24
Project: Research Project
Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological interventions for Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: A Scoping review
Talero Gutierrez, C., Palacios Espinosa, X., Gaviria Carrillo, M. & Díaz-Quiroz, M.
10/1/23 → 10/1/24
Project: Research Project
Substance use and sleep disturbances, bidirectional relationship.
Matulevich Jaimes, J. A., González, J., Rubiano Castaño, M. D., Sarmiento Buitrago, A. F., Torres Jerez , M. C., Perez Cubides , A. P., Mateus Abril, S., Solano Moreno, D. A., Orbes Zolezzi, N. E. & Cano, J. F.
8/10/23 → 4/10/24
Project: Research Project
Social determinants in the academic performance of Colombian students in the fifth and eleventh grades fifth and eleventh grade students analysed through the SABER tests.
Talero Gutierrez, C., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Díaz-Quiroz, M., Ramirez-Guerrero, S. & Tovar-Romero, H. V.
8/1/23 → 6/1/24
Project: Research Project
Post-pandemic face-to-face learning environments in undergraduate students: a scoping review protocol.
Garzon Diaz, K. D. R., Villamil Duarte, A. C. & Velasco Forero, S. E.
6/30/23 → 7/30/24
Project: Research Project
Where do we see age discrimination towards older people? A preliminary study on age stereotypes in job offers.
6/13/23 → 12/31/24
Project: Research Project
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Social cognition and processing in individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1: A systematic review
Gómez Carvajal, A. M. & Botero Meneses, J. S.
6/1/23 → 9/30/24
Project: Research Project
SNVs or CNVs potentially related to the aggressive course of Relapsing- remitting Multiple Sclerosis: scoping review
Gaviria Carrillo, M., Botero Meneses, J. S. & Ortiz Salas, P. A.
3/1/23 → 10/31/24
Project: Research Project
The effect of surrounding cell phone vibrations on memory.
Cadavid Espinha, S. & Luna, K.
2/1/23 → 7/31/24
Project: Research Project
Determination of the mutational spectrum of genes related to the molecular aetiology of gliomas in a sample of Colombian patients.
Patiño Aldana, A. F. & Fonseca Mendoza, D. J.
2/1/23 → 2/1/24
Project: Research Project
Presence of NETosis in Post-COVID Syndrome.
Monsalve Carmona, D. M., Ramirez Santana, H. C., Acosta Ampudia, Y. Y. & Rojas Quintana, M. E.
1/17/23 → 7/30/24
Project: Research Project
Talero Gutierrez, C. & Gaviria Carrillo, M.
11/1/22 → 7/11/23
Project: Research Project
Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit: Exploratory study of tracking patterns and visual attention through Eye-tracking Technology.
Rozo Reyes, C. M., Aguia Rojas, K., Pardo Oviedo, J. M., Pineda, R. E., Rodriguez, D. & Murcia, L. F.
10/3/22 → 10/3/23
Project: Research Project
Beliefs, motivations and obstacles to pro-environmental behavior at the Universidad del Rosario - Quinta Mutis campus and surrounding neighborhoods.
9/29/22 → 1/24/24
Project: Research Project
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Characterization of perceived sexual function and reproductive intention in patients with multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica.
Gaviria Carrillo, M. & Botero Meneses, J. S.
9/14/22 → 8/14/24
Project: Research Project
Evaluation of positive and negative indicators of physical and psychological functioning in a group of Colombian workers.
9/6/22 → 12/31/24
Project: Research Project
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Technically support the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in the adaptation of the methodology for comprehensive health planning within the framework of the PDSP 2022-2031.
Latorre Santos, C., Casallas Murillo, A. L., Briceno Ayala, L., Betancourt, V. F. & Molano Gonzalez, N.
8/10/22 → 12/15/22
Project: Consultancy project
Genetic hearing loss due to variants in GJB2 and POU3F4. Presentation of a case
Talero Gutierrez, C. & Botero Meneses, J. S.
8/3/22 → 12/31/22
Project: Research Project
Characterization of the intestinal microbiome of Colombian athletes belonging to the disciplines of road cycling and weight lifting: a cross-sectional study.
Ramirez Gonzalez, J. D., Gonzalez Soltero, M. D. R., Muñoz Diaz, C. M. & Aya Aldana, J. V.
8/1/22 → 2/6/24
Project: Research Project
Comprehensive registry of the care of patients with gastric and esophageal cancer.
7/13/22 → 12/13/23
Project: Research Project
Prevalence of internalizing symptoms and impulsivity in patients aged 12 to 16 years attending child psychiatry consultation at the Nuestra Señora de La Paz Clinic with self-inflicted cutting-type injuries during a three-month period.
Cano, J. F., Pacheco, P., Rubiano Castaño, M. D., Sarmiento Buitrago, A. F., Aguilera Almeida, J. & Larios Medina, M.
7/1/22 → 11/1/23
Project: Research Project
Inducing high spatial correlation with randomly edge-weighted neighborhood graphs.
7/1/22 → 12/20/22
Project: Research Project
Establishing the relationship between ADHD and emotional facial expression recognition deficit: a systematic review.
Talero Gutierrez, C. & Velez van Meerbeke, A.
6/16/22 → 12/31/22
Project: Research Project
Characteristics of memory skills in schoolchildren from schools in Bogotá.
Talero Gutierrez, C., Velez van Meerbeke, A., Cadavid Espinha, S. & Gómez Carvajal, A. M.
6/14/22 → 12/14/23
Project: Research Project
Learning results in the work context of graduates of Speech Therapy programs in Colombia (2017-2021)
Herrero Mogollón, S. A., Duarte Valderrama, A., Rojas Gil, A. M. & Flórez Trochez, S. L.
5/23/22 → 8/31/24
Project: Research Project
Evaluation and development of an elbow exoskeleton to increase strength for lifting objects.
Cifuentes García, C. A. & Castillo Martinez, J. A.
5/9/22 → 11/15/22
Project: Research Project
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Brief history of poliomyelitis and its virtual eradication through vaccination.
Gómez Carvajal, A. M., Palacios Sanchez, L., Botero Meneses, J. S. & Palacios Espinosa, X.
5/2/22 → 12/16/22
Project: Research Project
Characteristics of memory skills in children with Down syndrome with developmental age of 5 years.
Talero Gutierrez, C., Velez van Meerbeke, A., Gómez Carvajal, A. M. & Cadavid Espinha, S.
5/1/22 → 12/1/23
Project: Research Project
SELF-MEDICATION: prevalence, social representations and perception of health consequences in the Colombian population, in times of pandemic.
Palacios Espinosa, X., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Hernandez Rodriguez, A. D. P., Ortigoza Espitia , S. A., Sanchez Fajardo , D., Navarro Laguna , J. A., Olarte Parra, D. F., Cárdenas Cárdenas , J. A., Sotolongo Arias , J. E., Leal, D. A., Adams González , N., Gallego Ortiz , A., Prieto Trujillo , S., Lara Castillo , J. P., Ramírez Prieto , J., Tovar Romero , H. V., Ramos Anaya , J. W., Chicué Cuervo , P. C., Hoyos Sin , L. M., Henao Lozano, J. A., Rojas Reyes, C., Fragala Bernal, V. & Franco Gartner, P.
5/1/22 → 2/10/24
Project: Research Project
Systematic review on screening methods in peripheral neuropathy
Nava Mesa, M. O., Calderon Ospina, C. A., Gaviria Carrillo, M. & Barragan Gonzalez, A. M.
4/20/22 → 4/20/23
Project: Research Project
Validacion de Plantilla basada en Fibra Optica para Estimacion de Fuerza de Reaccion Vertical y Desarrollo de Algoritmo Multisensorial para Estimacion Vectorial
Castillo Martinez, J. A. & Cifuentes García, C. A.
4/18/22 → 8/31/22
Project: Consultancy project
Effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination for prevention of infection in patients tested in a reference laboratory in Colombia during the first two months of 2022.
Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Chaparro-Solano, H. M., Tovar-Romero, H. V., Ortigoza Espitia , S. A. & Ramirez Prieto, J.
4/1/22 → 9/30/23
Project: Research Project
Handling categorical features with many levels using a product partitioning model.
3/1/22 → 7/1/22
Project: Research Project
Autonomous robot to support the reading learning process through game strategies aimed at deaf children.
Orjuela Cañón, A. D., Perdomo Charry, O. J., Rodriguez Duenas, W. R., Cadavid Espinha, S., Müller, O., Aguia Rojas, K., Molina Bejar, R. S. & Bernal Muñoz, H. A.
3/1/22 → 12/30/23
Project: Research Project
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Dolor y Consumo de Opioides en trabajadores activos
Castillo Martinez, J. A. & Perez Acosta, A. M.
2/22/22 → 2/28/23
Project: Service Project
Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian workers: review and analysis of the literature from 1990 to 2021.
Rivera Largacha, S. M. A. & Yaya Quezada, C. J.
2/15/22 → 1/30/24
Project: Research Project
Emotion expression and schizophrenia: pilot treatment program from acoustic analysis and assistive technology
Martinez Rodriguez, A., Vallejo Silva, A., Rodriguez Duenas, W. R. & Cano, J. F.
2/11/22 → 2/11/23
Project: Research Project