Projects per year
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Guerrero Bernal, J. C. D. L. & Villegas Wagner , J. D.
3/1/16 → …
Project: Research Project
Forging vital and health statistics in Bogotá, 1878-1938.
Garcia Lopez, C. M. & Carriazo Osorio, F.
11/1/22 → 6/4/24
Project: Research Project
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Design of a scheme for the selection, monitoring and evaluation of non-pharmaceutical microterritorial interventions, using urban acupuncture based on mobile telephone contact networks, movement patterns and epidemiology.
Ramirez Gonzalez, J. D., Feged Rivadeneira, A., Majerowicz Nieto, S., Galindo Silva, H., Ángel Cárdenas, J. A. & Rodríguez Barraquer, T.
10/7/21 → 2/28/23
Project: Research Project
The Universidad del Rosario and its links with the institution of slavery: archival research and memorial processes.
Bosa, B. A., Angulo Ramírez, D. C. & Moreno Reza, G. E.
9/1/21 → 7/31/22
Project: Research Project
Reconciling peace and the environment. A Comprehensive Policy Toolbox to Fight Deforestation in the Colombian Amazon.
Revelo Rebolledo, J. E. & Uribe Martinez, S.
9/1/21 → 7/1/24
Project: Research Project
Epidemiological Impact of Sustainable Urban Development
Feged Rivadeneira, A., González- Casabianca, F., Cascante Vega, J. E. & Llewellyn, M.
6/1/21 → 3/31/22
Project: Research Project
Local dynamics of elections in Colombia: a comparative perspective
5/4/21 → 5/4/21
Project: Research Project
Women in Colombian councils: A balance in the red.
Botero Cabrera, S. & Moncayo Ricardo, A. M.
4/1/21 → 6/5/22
Project: Research Project
A criminal peace: Colombia's 'armed spoilsports' and its localized 'after-wars'.
Tickner, A. B., Charles, M. H. & Baysal, B.
1/25/21 → 1/31/22
Project: Research Project
Narrative of Women before the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and non-repetition in Colombia.
Coral Diaz, A. M. & Santamaria Chavarro, A.
1/11/21 → 2/1/22
Project: Research Project
Economic and trade cooperation between the Pacific Alliance and South Korea.
Leiteritz, R. J., Urrego-Sandoval, C., Pacheco Pardo, R., Chenou, J. & Del Río Bahamón , A.
12/1/20 → 2/18/21
Project: Research Project
Mapping the Murders of Ex-Farc Combatants Criminal or Political Violence? The Role of Security in DDR processes
Jaramillo Jassir, M., Charles, M. H. & Cardenas Díaz, J.
10/1/20 → 10/14/21
Project: Research Project
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Potential of air transport in the territorial development of the Colombian Amazon
9/1/20 → 6/28/24
Project: Research Project
Project 71861 - Approach to understanding the behavior of maritime drug trafficking networks, including the corruption practices associated with it, from the evolutionary framework, based on the simulation of social systems.
Noguera Hidalgo, A. L. & Palma Morales, O. J.
8/28/20 → 8/28/22
Project: Research Project
An approach to understanding the behavior of maritime drug trafficking networks from an evolutionary framework based on the simulation of social systems.
Noguera Hidalgo, A. L., Palma Morales, O. J. & Hernández, J. S.
8/28/20 → 8/27/23
Project: Research Project
Conflicts, opportunities and challenges of the Atrato River Guardians A view from the municipality of the Quito river
8/10/20 → 3/30/23
Project: Research Project
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Region II Disinformation monitoring in Latin America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and Central America)
Tickner, A. B.
8/3/20 → 7/31/21
Project: Research Project
Program 2084: Movement for Imagined Futures from the South (MOFIS).
Sarmiento Jaramillo, A. C., Silva Ardila, D., Carriazo Osorio, F. & Aschner Rosselli, J. P.
7/26/20 → 7/26/22
Project: Research Project
Economic Relations between South Korea and the Pacific Alliance Countries
Leiteritz, R. J. & Del Río Bahamon , A.
7/12/20 → 2/26/21
Project: Research Project
Building Trust for Truth-Telling Among Former Child Soldiers: Animation for Inclusion and Peacebuilding in Colombia
Charles, M. H.
7/1/20 → 4/30/21
Project: Research Project
Training program Youth leaders for the democratic reconstruction of Venezuela.
7/1/20 → 6/30/21
Project: Research Project
COVID-19 Mobility Report in Colombia
Feged Rivadeneira, A., Gonzalez, F., Corredor, V. & Ángel, A.
5/4/20 → 12/31/20
Project: Research Project
Subnational Policies for Covid-19 Containment in Colombia
Otero Bahamon, S. A., Andia, T., Knaul, F. & Touchton (, M.
5/1/20 → 5/1/22
Project: Research Project
National Asbestos Profile - Challenges and public policy recommendations to mitigate the risks associated with the negative legacy of asbestos, based on the dimensioning of the problem in Colombia
Briceno Ayala, L., Guerrero Bernal, J. C. D. L., Ramos Bonilla, J. P. & Larrahondo Cruz, J. M.
2/1/20 → 7/31/22
Project: Research Project
EMPOL: Political emotions: the collective construction of emotional life
Torregroza Lara, E. J.
10/21/19 → 12/31/22
Project: Research Project
Facts and different interpretations.
Franco Cuervo, A. B., Cante Maldonado, F. E. & Cárdenas Aguirre, U. A.
10/1/19 → 12/31/24
Project: Research Project
Socio-environmental traceability of the Paca Digestora Silva (PDS) ecological decontamination system Paca Digestora Silva (PDS) in Bogota.
Jimenez Reinales, N., Cepeda Valencia, J. & Angarita, A.
9/2/19 → 9/30/21
Project: Research Project
The youth gangs in Bucaramanga: a social micro universe that needs to be understood and cared for
8/1/19 → 5/16/22
Project: Research Project
Political and performative geographies of territorial peace in Colombia
Courtheyn, C. E.
4/1/19 → 2/7/20
Project: Research Project
Politics and Law in Latin America: New Questions, Old Challenges
3/15/19 → 8/18/20
Project: Research Project
Latin American Elites in front of the Global Power Shift: Preferences of Legislators toward the changing roles of the U.S. and China
3/15/19 → 2/15/20
Project: Research Project
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Citizenship, Territory and Social Transformation
Ceron Steevens, K. N. & Cruz Rodríguez, E.
2/1/19 → 12/31/23
Project: Research Project
Topological analysis of data on the epidemiological effects of malaria transmission at the micro-territorial level in Colombia on the genetic diversity of parasite populations.
Feged Rivadeneira, A. & González- Casabianca, F.
2/1/19 → 11/30/19
Project: Research Project
The Political Economy of Transmilenio in Bogotá: unraveling the political and economic rationality of public transportation decisions.
Carriazo Osorio, F. & Camargo Salamanca, G. C. S.
2/1/19 → 11/30/19
Project: Research Project
Colombian South-South Cooperation and Triangular Cooperation expertise as a relevant element in its accession to the OECD
Leiteritz, R. J. & Manrique Lara, L.
2/1/19 → 11/30/19
Project: Research Project
Public habitat policies and territorial planning.
Acosta Restrepo, P. & Rojas Calderón, L. X.
2/1/19 → 11/30/19
Project: Research Project
Urban Policy Mobility implementing Bus Rapid Transist Systems (BRT) in Latin - America
Silva Ardila, D.
2/1/19 → 5/1/20
Project: Research Project
Coca, livestock and roads: the political economy of the road infrastructure built by the FARC in Caquetá and Putumayo.
Uribe Martinez, S. & Peñaranda Currie, I.
2/1/19 → 11/30/19
Project: Research Project
Socio-spatial criminology (of place) in the Chapinero Central neighborhood of Bogotá: a challenge for citizen security.
Ruiz Vasquez, J. C. & Torres Reyes, C. E.
2/1/19 → 11/30/19
Project: Research Project
Colombian Cities as Scenarios for Social Inclusion
Botero Ospina, M. E., Acosta Restrepo, P., Silva Ardila, D., Gallego Acevedo, J. M., Sepulveda Rico, C. E., Vargas Duque, J. F. & Munoz Martinez, F. M.
10/1/18 → 9/30/22
Project: Research Project
EFI- fortalecimiento.: Strategy for strengthening: Institutions, communities and territory.
Sepulveda Rico, C. E., Aldana Serrano, A. M., Jaramillo Salazar, H. D. J., Mantilla Ribero, C. A., Chalela, S., Batz Liñeiro, A., Mogollón-Pérez, A. S., Garcia Suaza, A. F., Cortes Cortes, D. F., Anzola Pinzon, D. E., Aycinena Abascal, D., Otero Cardona, J. G., Gomez de los Rios, F. A., Jaramillo Mejía, F., Cespedes Baez, L. M., Montes De La Barrera, J. O., Silva Ardila, D., Torres Arroba, F. J., Munoz Martinez, F. M., Gauthier Umana, V. E., Onate Acosta, T. M., Saavedra Pineda, S., Sautua, S. I., Buitrago Rubiano, R. E., Mendez Romero, R. A., Rodriguez Lesmes, P. A., Acosta Restrepo, P., Larrota Veloza, O. J., Gomez Cruz, N. A., Rodriguez Acosta, M. A., Blanco, M., Botero Ospina, M. E., Prada Uribe, M. A., Cortina Roa, L. A., Gutierrez Ramirez, L. H., Serrano Cárdenas, L. F., Ordóñez, J. T., Vargas Duque, J. F., Perez Bernal, J. F., Guataqui Roa, J. C., Jaramillo Salazar, H. D. J., Ternera Barrios, F. J., Gomez de los Rios, F. A. & Lopez Peña, N.
9/14/18 → 9/14/23
Project: Research Project
Colombian Organized Crime Observatory - OCCO.
Tickner, A. B. & Charles, M. H.
4/3/18 → 3/7/23
Project: Research Project
Expectations for the future in a demobilized population: a longitudinal study
3/15/18 → 9/15/19
Project: Research Project
Youth Social Studies
Ceron Steevens, K. N. & Cruz Rodríguez, E.
3/1/18 → 12/31/22
Project: Research Project