Projects per year
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Evaluación del potencial uso de nanopartículas fluorescentes a base de carbono como agentes fotosensibilizadores para terapia fotodinámica en el tratamiento de células cancerosas de piel
Rodriguez Burbano, D. C., Fonthal Rico, F., Ondo Mendez, A. O., Calvo Echeverry, P. C. & Campo, O. I.
1/25/24 → 1/24/25
Project: Research Project
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Social determinants in the academic performance of Colombian students in the fifth and eleventh grades fifth and eleventh grade students analysed through the SABER tests.
Talero Gutierrez, C., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Díaz-Quiroz, M., Ramirez-Guerrero, S. & Tovar-Romero, H. V.
8/1/23 → 6/1/24
Project: Research Project
Comprehensive registry of the care of patients with gastric and esophageal cancer.
7/13/22 → 12/13/23
Project: Research Project
Inducing high spatial correlation with randomly edge-weighted neighborhood graphs.
7/1/22 → 12/20/22
Project: Research Project
SELF-MEDICATION: prevalence, social representations and perception of health consequences in the Colombian population, in times of pandemic.
Palacios Espinosa, X., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Hernandez Rodriguez, A. D. P., Ortigoza Espitia , S. A., Sanchez Fajardo , D., Navarro Laguna , J. A., Olarte Parra, D. F., Cárdenas Cárdenas , J. A., Sotolongo Arias , J. E., Leal, D. A., Adams González , N., Gallego Ortiz , A., Prieto Trujillo , S., Lara Castillo , J. P., Ramírez Prieto , J., Tovar Romero , H. V., Ramos Anaya , J. W., Chicué Cuervo , P. C., Hoyos Sin , L. M., Henao Lozano, J. A., Rojas Reyes, C., Fragala Bernal, V. & Franco Gartner, P.
5/1/22 → 2/10/24
Project: Research Project
Effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination for prevention of infection in patients tested in a reference laboratory in Colombia during the first two months of 2022.
Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Chaparro-Solano, H. M., Tovar-Romero, H. V., Ortigoza Espitia , S. A. & Ramirez Prieto, J.
4/1/22 → 9/30/23
Project: Research Project
Functionality and resilience in COVID19 patients after invasive mechanical ventilation management
Rodríguez Lima, D. R., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Rubio, C., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Molano Gonzalez, N., GARCIA GIRALDO, M. M. & Diaz Quiroz, M. A.
9/1/21 → 2/28/23
Project: Research Project
Metabolic characteristics, according to tumor stage and biological subtype of breast cancer, in women treated at a high complexity hospital in Bogotá-Colombia 2021
Rubiano, W., Pedraza Flechas, A. M., Cala Molina, M., Camargo, J., Hernandez Rodriguez, A. D. P., Patiño Aldana, A. F., Cortés Guerra, D. & Claros Ospina, A. G.
7/1/21 → 7/1/22
Project: Research Project
Ondo Mendez, A. O. & Pedraza Flechas, A. M.
7/1/21 → 11/30/22
Project: Research Project
Development of a radiosensitizing nanoplatform based on carbon dots doped with lanthanides for radiotherapy.
Naccahe, R., Cambien, B., Ondo Mendez, A. O. & Rodriguez Burbano, D. C.
5/1/21 → 4/30/23
Project: Research Project
Surgical rehabilitation of patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery.
Torres Narvaez, M. R., Vargas Barato, F. E., Pardo Oviedo, J. M., Ramos C, D. M., Garcia Laguna, D. G., Perdomo Castillo, O. E., Gonzalez Morales, C. L. & Navarro Alean, J.
4/5/21 → 6/30/24
Project: Research Project
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Vitamina D sérica y Densidad mamográfica en mujeres colombianas / Estancia postdoctoral Lyda Ximena Mora Cubillos.
Pedraza Flechas, A. M., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Pinzon Rondon, A. M. & Lyda Ximena, M. C.
11/8/20 → 11/18/21
Project: Research Project
SARS-COV-2 infection in health care workers: epidemiological risk analysis in a high complexity institution in Bogotá, Colombia
Trillos Pena, C. E., Briceno Ayala, L., Murcia Soriano, L. F., Rodriguez Leguizamon, G. A., Ibanez Pinilla, M., Lasso, E., Duarte Sandoval, M., Daza, J., Ballesteros Ordoñez, I. A., Sánchez Cuervo, J. & Ramirez Santana, H. C.
9/21/20 → 12/12/23
Project: Research Project
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Challenges and solutions to the teaching-learning of Biochemistry under virtual conditions.
Del Riesgo Prendes, L. & Ondo Mendez, A. O.
9/15/20 → 6/30/22
Project: Research Project
Incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), oxygenation indices and clinical outcomes at 2600 m altitude
Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Pardo Oviedo, J. M. & Rodriguez, D.
7/1/20 → 7/1/22
Project: Research Project
Body composition in peri-menopausal Colombian women
Pedraza Flechas, A. M., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M. & Pinzon Rondon, A. M.
6/1/20 → 6/15/21
Project: Research Project
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Identification of variants in the SARS CoV 2 viral genome by massively parallel sequencing and their correlation with clinical outcomes of COVID 19: Epidemiological surveillance of genomic and clinical behavior in the epicenters of the pandemic in Colombia.
Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Chaparro Solano, H. M., Galvez, M., Zapata, F. A., ALBORNOZ, L. & Pardo Oviedo, J. M.
4/15/20 → 6/11/21
Project: Research Project
Pharmacogenetic analysis for the estimation of safety and efficacy in the response to clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome treated at MEDERI
Fonseca Mendoza, D. J., Calderon Ospina, C. A., Contreras Bravo, N. C., Pardo Oviedo, J. M., Panche, K., Rodriguez Leguizamon, G. A., Bonilla, A., Parra, K. & Angulo-Aguado, M.
1/13/20 → 9/30/21
Project: Research Project
Predicting mortality from ARDS and COVID-19 infection: ‘Validation of severity-adjusted Berlin criteria at the height of Bogotá
Rodriguez, D., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Molano Gonzalez, N., Rubio, C., Pinilla, D. & Pardo Oviedo, J. M.
1/1/20 → 6/30/22
Project: Research Project
Understanding the etiology of human gallstone disease via microbiome analysis of patients from Colombia and in silico mining of global data
Quintero Hernandez, G. A., Clay, O. K., Dingsdag, S. A., Chaparro Solano, H. M., Ramirez Gonzalez, J. D., Vargas-Barato, F. & González Cipagauta, F. O.
4/22/19 → 8/22/23
Project: Research Project
Mercury and Chronic Kidney Disease in Colombia
Varona, M. E., Briceno Ayala, L., Díaz Criollo, S. M., Palma-Parra, R. M. & Trillos Pena, C. E.
4/1/19 → 6/30/21
Project: Research Project
DDM-Colombia: Determinants of Mammographic Density in Colombian Women. DDM-Colombia
Pedraza Flechas, A. M., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M. & Pinzon Rondon, A. M.
3/12/19 → 12/19/22
Project: Research Project
Pedraza Flechas, A. M., Barrera Suarez, E. L., Pinzon Rondon, A. M. & Ruiz Sternberg, A. M.
3/4/19 → 12/11/20
Project: Research Project
Genetics of Happiness
Chaparro Solano, H. M., Botero Meneses, J. S. & Palacios Sanchez, L.
1/11/18 → 12/21/18
Project: Research Project
Does the pedagogical model change after the implementation of curricular reform in a medical programme?
Isaza-Restrepo, A. & Velasquez Gomez, K. R.
3/1/17 → 3/3/18
Project: Research Project
Determination of the possible association between THAH and hypoacusis in a population of schoolchildren in Bogota.
Talero Gutierrez, C., Velez van Meerbeke, A. & Velasquez Torres, A.
2/1/17 → 6/1/18
Project: Research Project
Oxytocin and Chronic Pain in Humans
Palacios Espinosa, X., Gómez Carvajal, A. M., Botero Meneses, J. S. & Palacios Sanchez, L.
1/10/17 → 12/16/17
Project: Research Project
Rule of law and health
Ruiz Sternberg, A. M. & Pinzon Rondon, A. M.
9/1/16 → 9/30/19
Project: Research Project
Model of training in sexuality and sexual and reproductive rights for people with intellectual disabilities: an educational proposal for self-determination from the logic of complexity.
Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Garcia Sanchez, L. V., Maldonado Castaneda, C. E. & Restrepo Hernandez, I. E.
2/15/16 → 2/15/18
Project: Research Project
Biomarkers of susceptibility and effect in car painters exposed to organic solvents
Varona, M. E., Briceno Ayala, L., Ibanez Pinilla, M., Sanchez Corredor, M. C., Martinez Aguero, M. M., Palma-Parra, R. M. & Groot-Restrepo, H.
1/15/16 → 12/20/19
Project: Research Project
Health and Violence
Pinzon Rondon, A. M. & Ruiz Sternberg, A. M.
1/8/16 → 8/31/19
Project: Research Project
Nutrition and Health
Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Pinzon Rondon, A. M. & Velez van Meerbeke, A.
7/8/15 → 12/31/21
Project: Research Project
Evaluation of exposure to coal and silica dust in subway mining in three Colombian departments
Varona, M. E., Briceno Ayala, L., Groot-Restrepo, H., Palma-Parra, R. M., Herrera, D. & Ibanez Pinilla, M.
1/15/14 → 12/20/19
Project: Research Project
Epidemiological studies with the national demographic and health survey
Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M. & Velez van Meerbeke, A.
9/12/13 → 12/31/20
Project: Research Project
Peritoneum: More than a tissue
Isaza-Restrepo, A., Martin-Saavedra, J. S., Vélez Leal, J. L., Vargas-Barato, F. & Riveros Duenas, R. E.
8/15/13 → 6/15/18
Project: Research Project
Association between cortisol levels and external violence in two Colombian municipalities
2/1/13 → 2/17/15
Project: Research Project
A Randomized, international double-blinded (with in house blinding), controlled with Gardasil TM, dose ranging, tolerability, immunogenicity and efficacy study of a multivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine administered to 16-26 year-old women.
12/1/12 → 2/28/17
Project: Research Project
Prevalence and factors associated with pregnancy and recidivism in Colombian adolescents
1/1/12 → 12/30/12
Project: Research Project
Social Determinants of Acute Diarrhea in Children Under Five Years Old in Developing Countries
1/1/12 → 12/30/12
Project: Research Project
Risk factors associated with perinatal asphyxia in neonates at the Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi in Bogotá.
Del Riesgo Prendes, L., Rincón Socha, P. I., Rodríguez Torres, V. & Ibanez Pinilla, M.
11/1/11 → 11/1/12
Project: Research Project
Rule of Law and Public Health
Ruiz Sternberg, A. M. & Pinzon Rondon, A. M.
5/1/11 → 12/31/12
Project: Research Project
Factors associated with compliance with vaccination schedules in children
5/1/11 → 12/31/12
Project: Research Project
Non-classical factors associated with breast cancer
Pedraza Flechas, A. M., Ruiz Sternberg, A. M., Pinzon Rondon, A. M., Pérez-Gómez, B. & Pollán, M.
5/1/07 → 12/30/21
Project: Research Project
Prevalence and factors associated with child abuse in communities on the Colombian Atlantic and Pacific coasts
6/1/04 → 1/1/12
Project: Research Project