Projects per year
Search results
Adaptations to urban life: The case of the rufous-collared sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis)
11/5/24 → 11/11/25
Project: Research Project
Impact of Climate Change on the Watersheds Supplying Water to Bogotá: A Case Study of the Orinoco Macro-Basin.
9/16/24 → 9/16/25
Project: Research Project
Ecology and Evolution of montane tree species in the Colombian Andes: an integrative approach to study diversification in tropical plants.
Sanchez Andrade, A., Pedraza Narvaez, S. S. & Zapata, F.
4/15/24 → 12/31/30
Project: Research Project
Conservation genomics of Carnivores in Colombia
Pulido Santacruz, P., Bonilla-Sánchez, A., Ramírez-Chaves, H. E., Vieira Figueiró, H., Ojeda, A. F. & Eizirik, E.
2/25/24 → 12/15/28
Project: Research Project
Strengthening the sustainable management of the tropical dry forest and livelihoods in the municipality of Becerril (Cesar).
Pulido Santacruz, P., Jara Munoz, O. A., Silva Arias, G. A., Sánchez-Pacheco, S. J. & Granados León, M. V.
1/26/24 → 7/26/25
Project: Research Project
Understanding the carbon flow in ecosystems of the Orinoquía and páramo
Sanchez Andrade, A. & Hantson, S. E. R.
8/1/23 → 8/1/26
Project: Research Project
EXHIDROC: Hydroclimatological extremes in Colombia during 1980 to 2100 - EXHIDROC
Avila Diaz, A. J. & Quesada, B. R.
6/1/23 → 9/30/25
Project: Research Project
How do priority effect and fire control the regeneration of tropical forests?
Estrada Villegas, S., Hantson, S. E. R. & Alvarado Romero, S.
4/1/23 → 11/30/25
Project: Research Project
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NFN: New Neotropical fossils, phylogenetic and evolutionary implications and paleoecology.
Cadena Rueda, E. A., Jaramillo Muñoz, C., Carrillo Briceño, J., Herrera, F. A., Ramírez Carvalho, M. & Alfonso Rojas, A.
1/17/23 → 11/28/25
Project: Research Project
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Evaluation of the diversity and genetic structure of Panstrongylus geniculatus Latreille, 1811, Triatoma dimidiata Latreille, 1811 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) and Trypanosoma cruzi in two regions of Colombia.
Muñoz Diaz, C. M. & Ramirez Gonzalez, J. D.
1/11/23 → 6/10/25
Project: Research Project
ECOS.: Production of Inclusive and Sustainable Ecological Economy: an investigation to develop social/solidarity entrepreneurship strategies for ecotourism in Puebloviejo (Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta)
Batz Liñeiro, A., Martinez Aguero, M. M. & Granados León, M. V.
1/1/22 → 1/31/28
Project: Research Project
The genetic and neural basis of reproductive isolation.
Salazar Clavijo, C. A., Merrill, R. M. & Pardo Diaz, G. C.
1/1/20 → 12/31/25
Project: Research Project
New species of Begonia - Begonia filogenia
Richardson, J. E., Jara, O. A. & Madriñan, S.
7/1/16 → 12/31/25
Project: Research Project