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Study of caspofungin tolerance in clinical isolates of atypical Candida albicans reported in Colombia
Matheus Merino, L. M., Rodriguez Leguizamon, G. A. & Parra, C.
Project: Research Project
Occupational exposure to organic solvents in car painters in the city of Bogota. Exposure biomarkers, genetic susceptibility effect. Cohort study
Sanchez Corredor, M. C., Varona, M. E., Briceno Ayala, L., Martinez Aguero, M. M., Ibanez Pinilla, M. & Groot-Restrepo, H.
Project: Research Project
Secondary Forest and Shrubland Dynamics in a Highly Transformed Landscape in the Northern Andes of Colombia
Etter, A. & Clerici, N.
Project: Research Project